Deutschland besser als Österreich, UK, Irland und Schweden?
Ist Deutschland besser oder schlechter?
Ist Deutschland besser oder schlechter?
Please help me. If my gross salary is €3,900 and I'm leaving the company at the end of July, how much net Christmas bonus will I receive?
I saw the movie Full Metal Jacket
The Auschwitz concentration camp or the summit of Mount Everest would immediately come to mind, but that's utopian. And you?
I just drove across the Weser River, and the water was the brownest I've ever seen. Is the mud washed in by the torrential rain that reportedly occurred in the upper reaches enough to discolor the water so widely?
Operation will begin in 2028. This Kiss will then operate in local transport around Vienna. 100 trains will then be in operation. In addition, there will be five Kiss trains for the Vienna CAT (City-Airport-Vienna) and 80 Kiss trains as Railjets. What do you think of this train?
Better we live in the best country in the world Germany
This depends first on what is to be exactly better or worse or what range to mean.
There are also enormous differences between the respective regions in the countries.
Example: Schleswig Holstein has better beaches than Saxony. Germany has better beaches than Austria.
Better than UK, but not better than others compared.
I think UK and Ireland are definitely better.
Probably better, because migrants all want to go to Germany.
Yes because they get home, money and social media clicks