Deutsche und Kernöl?
Stimmt das wirklich das Deutsche besonders Norddeutsche kein pures Kernöl trinken können ohne Probleme mit dem Bauch/der Verdauung zu bekommen.
Weil in österreich is das normal das a pur zu trinken oder oft wo rein zu schütten.
Stimmt das wirklich das Deutsche besonders Norddeutsche kein pures Kernöl trinken können ohne Probleme mit dem Bauch/der Verdauung zu bekommen.
Weil in österreich is das normal das a pur zu trinken oder oft wo rein zu schütten.
Meine Oma fragt sich seit 80 Jahren was das ist. Weiß das jemand?
Ich habe mir nh Tornado 9000er Strawberry/Raspberry Ice gekauft und der Geschmack ist nicht mehr so stark Wie halt bei einem Kaugummi wenn man lange drauf kaut Woran liegt das?
Ich habe einen Snackautomaten und ich würde gerne wissen wo es sich lohnt Takis zu kaufen, die günstig sind. Danke:)
Hallo! Ich wollte ein Manga Artbook aus Japan auf eBay bestellen, welches mit mwst glaube so 84$ kostet und der Versand ist kostenlos. Muss ich da Zoll bezahlen?
Also wozu die Watte ist, weiß ich aber ich verstehe nicht, warum sie sich Orangensaft draufkippen.
In Tschechien sehen alle die Straße und Häuser gut gepflegt aus
I guess that you should drink edible oils literally. But why not try a spoon full or do with bread?
In any case, it is about classes better than cheap palm oils or sunflower oils from the supermarket.
Here the pumpkin harvest in Styria this summer.
Sunflower oil is a brazed oil
Pumpkin seed oil is not intended to heat
And only nen spoons if already 4cl on ex
Contracts do it most, but it is still unhealthy to drink a lot of it. Surely a little bit about gnocchis or in the salad, but too much is very unhealthy.
I think that outside Styria no one drinks pure.
To make sure you can drink more
In the West perhaps not but in restvis nuclear oil already common
In how you get a eis with kernel oil
Probably a reconciliation effect, as with the Arsenikessers.
A little kernel oil on the ice or in a soup is not the same for me with pure drinking.
That’s not “pure”…
From the crowd
Margin pain and not tolerate is another
No. You’re turning everything so that it fits you in the stuff… It’s not pure anymore!
Even a generous shot is not a pure drink.
Ah. That wasn’t clear.
Why should you drink oil at all if you don’t drink the alcohol afterwards and fall in on the nonsense to drink more alcohol after oil?
That it is
With pur is geneint net somehow a bit in nem keks in or just the aroma
It’s about drinking alcohol
Why would you drink oil to drink more oil?
For the gutter is a bit a few drops
For nen ambderena generous shot
What do you mean?
Why not? The more you get used to the oil, the more you can drink it. Nevertheless, there is an individual border somewhere.
So that one tastes the rest of the food and does not drown it under nuclear oil.
This does not mean
It’s not credible
How to define a little bite
Once something is “combined with something”, it is no longer “pure”. So your touch is insane.
I’ve never tried, I just haven’t missed it in life. I’ve eaten too cold, but it wasn’t that I’ve got to have it all the time.
When pouring kernel oil over the ice it is purer than something in the salad pure
And what I heard is nuclear oil a net normal in Germany you take olive oil
And I’ve often heard the German eat the net because they get shit about it
but I don’t do
In our house is the basic food.
Vanilla ice cream – gigantic!
I don’t know how to give it pure nuclear oil (in quantities?)
This is normal
Try out and see if you’re wearing 4cl nuclear oil