Deutsch Matura?
Hallo, meine Freundin hat heute bei der deutsch Matura gespickt. Sie hat beide Texte mit chatgpt geschrieben, und hat jetzt Angst dass die Lehrer es merken. Sie meinte, dass sie einige Wörter ausgetauscht hat und manches selber geschrieben hat.
weiß jmd ob da was passiert? Können Lehrer oder halt eben diese Kommission oder so die das kontrolliert, einem damit beschuldigen, geschummelt zu haben, ohne das man beim spicken erwischt wurde.
Danke schon mal
If her text still agrees so far with the chatgpt text that she would have to claim to have made it and learned it before, then she would have to learn the text as proof of it. If the result no longer fits so correctly, it would have to push the reason for an increasing memory loss. A success would therefore be possible.
I don’t know exactly, but the operators are from chatgpt they have added extra 1.2 errors. We’re just afraid that the examiner thinks it’s not written by her.
Is it possible to claim something like that?
or you can somehow check whether it was actually written by the ki.
So I think teachers can blame your girlfriend. But if you didn’t catch them directly while cheating, they can’t give her a bad touch or send them to check.
During the last school work, a friend of mine also cheated with ChatGPT – it came out later, after giving schoolwork, because he could never have written such a good text in life. Nevertheless, the teacher had to give him a good note, because they didn’t catch him while cheating. Your girlfriend’s even better off than him if she even wrote text passages herself.
lg Emmadora
By the way: Today I also wrote the Deutschmatura 🙂
The thing is that we’re at the brp and don’t really know these teachers and they don’t know us either.
we still have an oral presentation after that, and are afraid that teachers will notice it and address it.
Her texts that she has given are usually not so good. Can the examiners look with any tools that it comes from the ki.
and yes, luckily that such a package has come. 🤗
There are actually apps or Tools that can be used to check whether this has been created by an AI, but they usually do so only if there is a concrete suspicion. Since she himself has also exchanged words and has also incorporated sentences herself, it should not seem so stupid.
Hello, is there an update?