Deutsch Abitur was machen?
ich schreibe bald mein Abi in Deutsch GK und ich hatte nie gute Noten in Deutsch. Die beste Note war bei mir bis jetzt 8P. und ich möchte im Deutsch Abi 11P. bekommen. Habt ihr vielleicht Tipps für mich oder die Prüfung vom letzten Jahr. Was hat euch geholfen beim Lernen und wie habt ihr dafür gelernt?
ALLES was euch geholfen hat
Danke im Voraus
Well, it’s basically German, you can’t do so much.
Take the exams from recent years (the one you have written across the upper level) and perform error analysis. Look where your vulnerabilities are and make sure you repair them. Look at what you did on the respective topics and look at it well.
But if you can’t interpret baroque lyric or just don’t find out the metrum/size, even though you know it theoretically and it’s exactly DAS, it’s difficult.
I’m such a ‘shoe stay with your bars’ man anyway. Of course, if you put a exam in the sand, then it can be that you climb the next massive. But at 8 points and under a sudden jump to 11 I think very ambitious.
It is not impossible, but I would not build my entire planning on getting these 11 points.
I helped that I chose English-LK, which only counted the German-Abi as a double class work. I had to write an MINT-GK.
Otherwise learn to and through the eyes on the test day.
Learn best. 😀 Your German teacher will have told you what can happen in the exam.
You might be looking for 1-2 people you’re learning with or you’re going through this alone. Without phone, without internet and without any distraction
Right here is the problem, my German teacher didn’t tell us about the exam. He said we should learn best for everything and that was it
Then I would learn what you’ve done for the last 1-2 years. I hardly guess all this ends up on a dictate what you learn in the first class
Well, there’s everything you’ve done in high school.
Ask your schoolmates, best the German professionals.