Selling design/illustration for resale? How do I calculate prices?
Hello everyone,
I have a small shop where I sell stickers that I design and make myself. They're usually inspired by movies, books, or video games.
Now a larger company has contacted me and would like to buy one of my designs to resell (on mugs etc.) in their own shop, but I have no idea what I could charge for such a design.
How exactly do I calculate a price or what should I charge?
They would also like new designs from me that I could create especially for them, but I don't know what I can ask for.
I know it might be difficult to judge without seeing one of the designs, but even a rough idea of ββwhat I could ask for would be very helpful.
I've also considered simply letting the company know that I don't know what they're asking for, or asking what they'd pay, but I'm a bit afraid of getting ripped off.
I would be very happy to receive ideas, tips or other information/experiences.
Thank you very much in advance!
I have a car and I want to sell it, how much can I ask for it?
No one can answer that.
On your question it is the same, a sticker can be 5cm tall with a simple logo on which you created in 2min. The sticker can also be 80x400cm tall with a graphic on which you worked for 72 days. Understand yourself that you don’t sell the latter for 4 euros… π
So some more information or a photo would certainly be helpful.
The price is easy to calculate, for example, you work 90min on a sticker. 1.5 h a normal hourly rate, in which CH would be about CHF 120.- times 1.5 CHF 180.- Now it’s about how many stickers you want to sell or believe to be able to sell, e.g. you go out of 20 stickers, 180 by 20 gives CHF 9.- per sticker plus material costs.
The time calculation is still such a thing as Laie is sure you are not as fast as a professional who has learned this and who works with it every day 8hd. So you can either not write up your entire time, or you need to work with a smaller hour approach. Because an equivalent design from you may not cost 4x as much as if it had created a professional. However, you should not sell yourself under your value, even if you do not depend on the full salary in the hobby sector, you might get the big break and make yourself self-sufficient, but it is almost impossible to sell a product that you have sold under value until now.
The Allianz Deutscher Designer has issued a remuneration agreement for design services, in which the remuneration is calculated with several factors (e.g. duration of use): design
However, I can tell you as an old rabbit that you can barely enforce these prices. Especially if you’re a newcomer and a newcomer. But you will get at least a few comparison numbers and a calculation aid.
I would suggest a profitsharing.
For each product that is sold with your logo/design, you will get 15%.
So you make sure that if the designs are good you will also be well served.
15% is utopian when he/she gets 3% is already good
Did you also know where to find a fixed price? In the case of a finished design that they just want to sell on their own?
that was just an example number π… do not know me in the area
What do you normally calculate for an hour of work? And if you need to think out a design, the idea finding is also work. If you sell your stickers, how do you calculate that?
You should already talk about whether a profit share is in it, but the wage for your work will definitely be added.
And if you create designs for resale, you should pay attention to copyright and copyright. And you should get a tax advisor.