Derbi GP1 50 Open 2006?
Hallo 🙂
So das Problem bei meinem Roller ist wie folgt wenn ich Gas gebe fängt der Roller an zu stottern. Habe die Zündkerze, Cdi und Lichtmaschine nun ausgetauscht. Das Problem ist aber immer noch nicht weg. Zudem kommt jetzt auch noch, das Rauch aus der Lichtmaschine kommt. Hatt jemand eine Idee wovon das kommen könnte ?
ps: freue mich über Hilfe
when I give gas the scooter starts to stutter.
Carburetor problem..
Carburetor runs well, as I said, just think it’s about the electric. The scooter has no ignitions but doesn’t know why.
As already said, a new Lima etc..
Thank you
Misfires from the wrong mixture.
Many love thanks for the quick answers are a real help 🙂
And that means? Does the scooter harm?
No- max overturns only
Just so to the question, can break something on the scooter by lighter rollers in the Vario? ?
Much success continues.
So I found the mistake, in the pole wheel there was another was a washer I had overlooked. That was probably the reason for abrasion and smoke.
Thank you for helping me:)
Great thanks
There’s a cable somewhere. Since you changed the LM, I guess there.
Do I make some tip or something tomorrow?
There’s a short circuit. I’d like to grow the LM and go to the bottom.
So the problem with stuttering has been fixed, a small round has just been taken. However, I noticed that the alternator cracks and smokes. Does anyone know what this might be about.
Thanks in advance 🙂