Der Patient muss zur/zum MRT?
Im Duden steht die MRT und das MRT. 🤔 Frage, weil ich gerade im Krankenhaus bin ;).
Im Duden steht die MRT und das MRT. 🤔 Frage, weil ich gerade im Krankenhaus bin ;).
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With MRT you mean the examination and once the investigator. It is called magnetic resonance tomography and the MRT device.
Well, it’s called “Magnetresonance Tomography”, “Tomography” is female, so the MRI correctly when you talk about the investigation.
The result of the investigation, i.e. the images, is a “magnetic resonance tomogram”, since “tomogram” is in turn a new strand, so is the MRI right if you think the pictures.
And to confuse it completely: The device for an MRT is called “magnetic resonance tomograph” because “tomograph” is a masculine word, so the MRI isn’t wrong when you talk about the apparatus. It doesn’t make anyone in practice.
Definitely for MRT, but for magnetic resonance tomography. This difference makes both options correct, but depending on whether you come with the abbreviation or with the full word, the grammatical gender changes.
Short term
“MRT” stands for “magnetic resonance tomography”. The article determines “Tomography”. Thus, “the MRT” would actually be correct because “tomography” is feminine.
“MRT” can, however, also represent “magnetic resonance tomogram” which would be objective.
A factual article is more common for the shortening, although most of the time the feminine tender would be used.
Would actually say the MRT.
I’d say. Sounds better
Magnetic resonance imaging.
So the MRI
after that, it was both true. because the magnet tomograph. So also the MRT. Only DAS not.