Der größte Fehler der Deutschen Bahn?
So, haltet euch fest: Es geht nicht um Züge und Bahnhöfe, sondern um die Homepage der DB.
WIESO muss man, wenn man auf die HP geht, erst ganz weit runterscrollen, bevor man zur Fahrplanauskunft kommt? Was sucht man, wenn man auf die Homepage der DB klickt? Na den verdammten Fahrplan, keine Werbung oder sonst was. Das sollte direkt der StartBildschirm sein und kein nettes extra am Ende.
sieht das noch wer so?
I don’t understand your problem – the input fields for the timetable information are very high and are right when you call the Homepage visible:
Addendum: Or you may not have http://www.bahn.debut to the Group homepage forward?
So I don’t know where you need to scroll, but I’ve got the connection search right up
And also in the mobile version:
Same here. At the bottom I can’t find a schedule search on the speed.
No, I don’t.
On the PC yes, but not on mobile devices.
Yes, there are also at the beginning, in my answer the photo added.
You’re on the wrong homepage.
For railway customers there are
For financial and political topics there are the Group website
Clear me up. How far should you position it? Or did you not go to the information page, but to the company page of Deutsche Bahn, which has completely different goals?
Reproduction for mobile display
I’m on the homepage with the phone – it looks different.
There you can also find the timetable information directly in the top part, as the screenshot just attached afterwards shows.
I think you simply went to the companies/concern website, which is not intended for information on the transport of the German railway.
Bei mir ist sie ganz oben.