Der beste Tee?
Ich suche die beste Teesorte in Deutschland und habe daher die Frage, welche eure Lieblingsteesorten sind.
Ich suche die beste Teesorte in Deutschland und habe daher die Frage, welche eure Lieblingsteesorten sind.
Ich hatte gerade eine Auseinandersetzung mit einem Kollegen der seinen Bic Mac aus dem Kühlschrank geholt hat jetzt zur frage: Wer isst seinen 1 Tag alten Burger aus dem Kühlschrank oder lässt ihn in der Tüte und isst den in Zimmertemperatur?
Hallo, ich beschäftige mich derzeit mit der gespaltenen Arbeiterbewegung und nun stellt sich mir die Frage, ob die KPD und die SPD die Machtergreifung Hitlers verhindern hätten können, wenn sie sich zusammengeschlossen hätten. Was denkt ihr?
Heute in Folie gekauft
Russen sind oder Lettische Russen?
Kann man seinen Geschmack “umtrainieren”? Also wenn mir z.B. Tomate nicht schmeckt, kann ich dann durch wiederholtes essen meinen Körper so konditionieren, das es mir doch schmeckt?
Das war unter einer meiner Frikabällchen, was ist das
I love Bratapfeltee of teapot and blueberry muffin but I don’t know what variety that was
I know Bratapfel. I like it too.
All Aromatees.
I think that’s not a real tea.
(also called rose hips)
The simple classics are the best for me. I’m not able to get rid of the on-aromatic Kunterbunt-Vanillekipferl-Bratapfel-Gummibären mixtures.
I like the Twinings Vanilla Tea. There is only one in Austria. At Billa, to be exact. 🤓👆😅
Ostfriesentee. This is a strong black tea. With Kandis.
Unfortunately, I only often disturb the teaspoon in the cup, and I am often hurt by the eye. And at my cup is the handle on the left. I would like a cup where the handle is right
I had the same problems for decades. Until my boss has come up with the idea, I should put the spoon on the saucer after stirring. I don’t have one, so he had to stay in there until I got one.
My cup was turned around by a mischievous apprentice and since then it has been right. He doesn’t know what he solved with a joke for a problem.
Tea from Bünting?
Which one of the more than 1000 varieties should it be?
You will only find the best tea through your own experience, because everyone has a different taste.
For example, I don’t like tea with turmeric or similar spices.
Currently, Pumpkin/Chai is my favorite…..with ginger and orange
Hi, Geotiger14.
My favorite tea is my self-made ingvalue.
Otherwise I drink little tea.
Greetings, Renate.
Raspberry vanilla
I have to try
Where is it?
At rewe
Strawberry udn Lemon ingwer
I like strawberry, lemon ginger not.
Everyone has a different taste ðŸ ̃‚ imagine we all have the same taste, wouldn’t it be boring? 😉
Brennnessel is cool.
This is a subjective question of taste. What’s best for me may not taste you.
I’m out, because I drink tea from Taiwan, so I can’t answer you to the best teas in Germany.
If you still care, this is my favorite:
Arab night of TeeGschwendner.
What does he look like?
Thank you.
This is pure matter of taste and will therefore not lead to a uniform answer.
I prefer
Fresh camomile tea