
Kann es sein, dass ich depressiv bin, obwohl ich ganz normal arbeiten gehe? Ich habe eigentlich keine Motivation und es funktioniert auch nichts anderes, außer arbeiten. Ich weine sehr häufig und kann kaum essen. Ich verliere immer mehr Gewicht. Kann es sein, dass ich depressiv bin oder bilde ich mir das ein?

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4 months ago

I have denied for a very long time that there are depressions, or said that these people exaggerate.

Unfortunately, even those who have gotten is only in small form.

I’m something at work, I can do something. I’m fine. But almost every night I sleep and don’t want to wake up.

Conclusion : after all, can lead “n quite normal life” as it looks inside is different. It can be quite. You need someone to talk

4 months ago

It can be talking best with someone professional who can better judge this and also help you better

4 months ago

It may be natural that you are not really well right now. And maybe you’re depressed.

But depression is in various forms and types.

Do you feel a sense of resignation or deep hopelessness and do you let her lull you?

Do you still see the meaning of your life and are confident??

Are you exhausted(psychically exhausted?)

Does your world just feel under and you don’t have an anchor you can cling to??

Do you often imagine something yourself and don’t you like yourself anymore?

Do you have any more goals??

Do you have any idea of suicide??

These are possible indications that could indicate depression!