Depressionen wegen meinem Gewicht?
joa kurz zu mir. Ich bin leider sehr stark übergewichtig, habe einen BMI von über 80, sodass ich zur Zeit nichtmal richtig aufstehen kann. Bin 22 und ja bin leider durch mein Gewicht sehr depressiv im Moment, wodurch ich noch mehr esse und noch fetter werde. Ich wohne alleine, hab aber Pflegepersonal weil ich alleine nichts machen kann. Das deprimiert mich sehr. Wie kann ich trotz allem Freude am Leben bekommen?
Over 80, are you sure?
From 30 onwards, obesity begins. I had relatives with BMIs just around or just over 30 and they had a pretty “Bierbauch” but could still run normal etc. 80 would be more than double that, I can hardly imagine. Will say: Are you sure that was calculated correctly and communicated to you?
I’d talk to the nursing staff once if you can call for possible psychotherapy at home or something equivalent.
And then I would think very well: How does my daily routine look like? How much of it “triggers” food or movement poverty? Could I do something to move more, and be it initially something like sitting gymnastics, so something you don’t have to stand up, but still burn a few calories (starting with 30 seconds or so and gradually slowly increase, don’t make from zero to a hundred 30 min sports!)
The other question would be: what can I do? So, how can I spend the time? What interests do I have? Could I start something that distracts me from eating? Possibly something active, so not watching videos, but perhaps drawing, writing, solving puzzles, playing musical instrument (some of them would also have to be possible in bed, as I would inform myself in corresponding music forums with interest). A musical instrument would have the advantage that making music spills out endorphins, one is concentrated, that is, another is out of the head, one can turn off and the learning is demanding and gradually becomes more demanding, so that one is mentally and physically (depending on the type of instrument it can also be quite demanding), which is also distracted from eating.
But there are also a lot of challenging, cheap hobbies that you could make in sitting/ lying, folding or whatever.
What’s your back pain? I had a bed-ridden relative who didn’t move voluntarily and then got quite a backache after about a year and a half. We’ve always worked with a massage machine, but I know it’s best to use these nap mats. Some of them are very expensive (300 €) and sometimes very cheap, you would have to inform yourself online or at the health insurance company which would be useful.
You could also inform you if you were entitled to a visit dog via the sickness fund. There are those people who come home with therapy dogs in certain facilities or people. You can find it online for your area. It is necessary to claim reimbursement. Often an animal gets out of a hole when people make it hard.
See I would recommend you to look at vegetarian food blogs that often present relatively healthy, relatively low calorie food, even if not a direct diet. Examples would be Green Kitchen Stories or La tartine gourmande. There are always lists of new, successful food blogs. See if you don’t get inspired for a salad or a simple vegetable dish. Something like that can be very delicious. If you’re at Pinterest, look for “Lunchbox” or “Lunch box ideas”. There are automatic break snacks mixed with some fruit or raw vegetables and often rice pans or salads in the broadest sense. When you get excited, you automatically eat something healthier.
In principle, I would advise you to let the doctor come – this should be possible via the nursing service, so he can usually organize – and to ask how you could specifically take off, what food plan, what exercises would be useful and allowed and what you could do against depression, how to guide or organize a therapy in the ways which contact persons there are. Whether there are other external aids or starting points or Phone numbers and email addresses that are unknown to you so far.
What about physiotherapy? You could claim that. They usually come to the house. They can often also show muscle-building exercises. Or exercises against back pain etc.
It’s good if you had a couple of friends that you could share with. Friends would also be good who would support you.
Hard to find friends with my weight
In your condition, only one specialist can help you take off.
Take off in small steps. Here we go:
Over 80??
I can’t believe that already 40 is a lot.
You’re really putting the 300 kilos on the scale?
I am not so big so 300kg now not but definitely far too much yes
Whether it’s Bmi of 80 (I just take it that way) or “only” 40. I can understand you’re doing this.
But you can only change something. Sure, you’ll need help. But there’s no one coming and begging you: Let me help you. You have to find the help. For example, ask your nursing son, talk to your doctor. Get active.
Don’t just sit around.
You have to google, I only know that there is it, but I’ve never been on it.
What portals?
Well, it’s just outside in the world. But if you really can’t go out: there are also enough online portals. They are not only there for love but also for Platonic friendships. There are also correspondences from which a real friendship can develop.
Where do you find friends? 😅
And another thing: find friends. Of course, this will probably just go online now, but it’s a first step. And who knows you may come to visit when chemistry is true
Yes you need therapy
Probably a while even stationary
and a stomach surgery
you can also apply for physiotherapy that makes gymnastics with one at home.
you are in a life-threatening state, so you won’t be 30
You recognized that right. You’ll only take part in life when you go towards normal weight. I took 30 kg and I know what I’m talking about. You don’t seem to want it. Unfortunately, there is no hope. Promise the time with a doctor. Gastric band etc are good methods if it lacks will power
But this is now promoting depression! “You will take part in life again when you have taken off” – so until then you have to wait depressively and lonely. And what do you do when you are depressed and lonely? Eat! So please don’t! You can also participate in life if you are in bed. I had a bed-ridden relative (after leg amutation), who had quite a lot of telephone contacts, but didn’t want them anymore at the time. Had a lot of interests, looked far away, remained up-to-date with regard to politics and sport, exchanged with some of the remaining contacts.
What should we have told you? “You’re begging, your life is over now!”
Interested: Read the biography of Elizabeth Barrett-Browning. She was almost bedridden for several years of her life, almost never left her room, but had an extensive correspondence and many visitors, exchanged over many topics, was mentally very active. And came out of the hole again!
If you’re writing a BMI of over 80 you have to weigh at least something about 250 kg. Is that what you’re doing? You may need professional psychological therapeutic help to break this cycle. From frustration and depression, you feed, which increases the weight which makes rise against frustration and depression. And that’s how you chase yourself.
I’m sorry. Do you think therapy brings what?
Yeah, it does. However, there is no spontaneous healing. It takes some time. However, time is also something that runs against you. It is certainly not new to you that such a high weight is not only concerned with your psychological and psychological health.
Also your medical health related to physical problems and diseases is a big problem with your weight. Not least concerning cardiological diseases. You get bad air, your bones, especially those of your legs and feet, can’t wear the weight well.
That’s why it’s hard to get up. I don’t know if you’ve always been obese or your weight gain has only gradually been used. But then there would be a trigger. If you continue to do this, the risk that you may not be awake at some point in the morning due to the enormous physical and psychological stress.
You need help in multiple ways. To make the first step in this direction costs overcoming. But without this first step, as already mentioned, time is running backwards against you……
Yes of course
Is with me ânlich,hab 280 kg and this lipoedema on the legs.Gehe bissl mit Rollator,but much is not possible.Hab 84 BMI
Look, you get psychological support from a psychotherapist who knows about adipous people.
There are also light exercises that can be done in sitting and lying.
How big and heavy are you?
I am 1.74 and weigh over 260kg I am already out of the powder when I have to move my arms ne minute
Then move your arm for a few seconds.
At some point, it’ll be longer.
No matter how, because being more or less motionless is much worse.
After all, you can automatically insert texts into a keyboard and thus communicate with other people. Maybe you could make yourself useful in this way and help other people.
If you feel a frustration impulse where you would prefer to consume an unnecessary food portion, then at least once in at least 50% of the cases decide for another action that does not feed you calories.
For example, you could write a helpful answer to “Good Question”, get in touch with a person known to you, clean up or clean something you can get in, or read a few paragraphs in a book.
With time, you could reduce your eating activities to three meals a day.
Probably you don’t go shopping yourself, but the nurses bring you the food. If you simply wouldn’t order or request certain types of food, you could reach that you don’t eat it anymore.
Yeah, the nurses go shopping or I’m letting that ship from Rewe zb… don’t know if I can help people so well have no area where I really know, but is already a nice thought
By starting to take off.
Yes Off Lost now
Find friends. You don’t get out of it, you eat dead.
Hello Good question123480,
it can be helpful if you speak openly about your feelings with someone you trust in. Talking alone can be healing effect have!
If your interlocutor understands you and feels with you, it will surely make you feel easier. Always wonder what You can improve even if there are only relatively small things. Active to become one takes the feeling of helplessness and powerlessness.
It is important that you not always think about your overweight. Make your sense of the many little beautiful things in life: singing the birds, a magnificent sunset, a delicious food, the cozy cup of coffee etc. Sometimes you lose sight of it and take it as too self-evident without really enjoying it.
Consider that life is more than just worrying! Observing the many little joys in life helps you to see some from a different perspective.
If you have the impression, you’ll get over your head, then you’ll admit that Help need. Looking for help is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary! Here is a small selection of points of interest that might help you:
– Emergency care: Telephone hotline (free, 24 h), also information about local assistance services:
The employees of the telephone services listen to you well, take part in your problems and can also refer to appropriate facilities if necessary. You can get anonymously advised here at any time of day and night.
– Social psychiatric service: He offers advice and further assistance to people in mental crises. Often you can find this service at the Health Office or ask the address and telephone number about the municipal office. I personally had very good experiences with it.
It may be that at the moment you feel rather weak and overwhelmed with everything. It can help you if you want to old strengths remember. For example, think about what you’ve already managed to do and what’s good for you in your life. This helps you realize that you are not completely helpless now. How about a diet plan that helps you lose weight and feel more comfortable?
You probably have more than you are currently trusting. So jump to yours previous performances and experiences and you will realize that you are not so weak in reality.
Although for you everything looks grey and cloudy at the moment, remember that not always must stay like that! Things change and it may be that you’ve reached something in a few months. It is important, however, not to push the matter to the long bank, but to start it as soon as possible. Success can only be set if one concerns one thing, sets goals and then pursues them consistently!
If you believe in God, don’t forget that he knows about your problems and he wants to help you. In the Bible he lets the depressed say, “I, the High and the Blessed, the eternal and holy God, live in the high places, in the sanctuary. But I also live with those who are sad and oppressed. I give them new courage and refill them with hope” (Isaiah 57:15, Hope for all).
But how can God give you new courage? When you turn to him, read in his word and think about it! In it you can find many comforting thoughts. I am thinking, for example, of the Psalms, most of whom were written by people who were temporarily in a stateless position, but then experienced that God often helped them in an unexpected way.
I wish you that, despite everything you’ve just been through, it’ll be back in your life soon! Even though it is still very difficult at the moment, please remember that the longest crisis will eventually be Overseas is. Note these tips and don’t give up, and you’ll see that at some point everything doesn’t look so hopeless!
LG Philipp