Depressionen wegen Körpergröße?
Hallo alle zusammen,
Schon seit 1-2 Jahren habe ich Depressionen, wegen meiner Körpergröße. Zurzeit bin ich 173cm und 16 Jahre. Mein großer Bruder ist 10cm größer und mir wurde schon mein ganzes Leben lang erzählt, dass ich noch wachsen werde. Ich war früher und bin heute immer der kleinste, obwohl ich einen großen Vater und Bruder habe und ich mache mir die ganze Zeit Vorwürfe, dass es meine Schuld ist, weil ich früher machmal bisschen für paar Tage weniger gegessen habe oder weil ich für 2 Monate Krafttraining gemacht habe als ich 15 war. Ich bin zurzeit ein bisschen übergewichtig, weil im Internet öfters erzählt wird das man so mehr wächst. Zurzeit wachse ich nur 0,5-1cm in 2 Monaten. Ich kann ebenso schlecht abnehmen, weil das erst recht mein Wachstum hindern würde. Ich fühle mich generell neben gleichaltrige Personen (z.B Mädchen oder Freunden) wie ein kleines Kind. Gäbe es die Möglichkeit meine Wachstumsfugen zu überprüfen, damit ich sicher sein kann das ich noch wachsen werde oder nicht? Mir würde das sehr helfen, damit ich mich schonmal drauf einstellen kann. (Bin ein Junge)
I myself am a little underweight that means I am (as a boy) thinner than all others. About me are also often made jokes etc. But what the most important is I like myself though I’m a little thinner. You can determine that. Mainly, you love and talk about it, best with a good friend. The rest will be fine. For example, I also increase (although slowly).
Heads up
The FS is overweight because he believes he grows so much.
It’s about his size not his figure.
Yes but you can’t really influence this
Metabolic is normal. Some have a high, others don’t. in young years is higher and then decreases.
I’ve already been to the J investigations The woman’s husband has found nothing. I have long been suspected that it is the metabolism.
Yes, you have a very high metabolism or there is a disease. But you probably know that.
Know this from a friend. He has to eat standard portions to be very light anyway. So portions of the easy 2 people can be fed.
well you’re right but with me it’s like I can eat healthy or unhealthy or unbalanced or unbalanced?
Growth cannot be influenced at all. Weight or figure. This cannot be compared with one another.
Did you also diagnose depression or question Dr. Google. You have a completely normal size.
No, you don’t just grow because you’re thick. No decrease on a healthy weight does not prevent your growth.
You haven’t grown yet. Body growth is usually completed in boys with 19.
And even if you’re 173 tall, it’s not tragic.
If you feel like a little child next to your friends, that’s not your size, but rather your person.
A doctor can see how much growth potential is still in your bones.
But what you need is a psychologist to work on your self-worth.
I heard that no doctor just makes an ultrasound without a medical reason
This is detected by X-ray and not with ultrasound. Ultrasound is in infants.
And no good doctor will do that. You are normal big, there is no reason that only takes unnecessary time away which he could use for other patients who need a doctor.
Become in psychological treatment or begin to accept that your size is completely normal.
173 cm with 16 is quite normal.
By the way, strength training in youth age does not harm growth. Unfortunately, this myth is persistent. If at all, it even helps to grow as HGH is spilled out…
Today, most young people are minimum over 180cm
The average body size of men in Germany was 178.9 cm in 2021
So no… no guarantee.
Data of the Federal Health Report from 2017:
10-11 years: 144 cm
11-12 years: 150 cm
12-13 years: 156 cm
13-14 years: 162 cm
14-15 years: 167 cm
15-16 years: 171 cm
16-17 years: 173 cm
17-18 years: 174 cm
18-20 years: 175 cm
I doubt this has changed over the last 5 years. You are 16 and 173 exact average, and if you grow at least 2 cm, even above average.
As others have already written, you can still grow. Even if not, 1,73m is not a reason for depression. Nothing would be better if you were bigger.
173 cm is normal. Your depression is self-diagnosis
Did a doctor or Google diagnose your depression?
With 16 you can still grow and even if not your size is more than right. You talk a lot of bullshit yourself, please let a real doctor explain what can inhibit growth and what can’t get your unnecessary accusations out of your head. And stop thinking that size is so important and you must be 1.80 tall.
1.73 m is a considerable size for a woman, where are you going? Be content as it is and don’t make you crazy.
have forgotten to mention that I am a boy 😅
That’s not a reason to get crazy, you’re gonna grow.