Denkt ihr sie würde antworten?
Mein freund will mich überreden meine lehrerin eine email mit einer anderen email zu schreiben. Er meinte ich soll ihr in der mail fragen ob sie jemanden mit meinen namen kennt und ob sie ihn mit ihm eine freundschaft aufbauen würde. Soll ich es machen oder lassen und würde sie antworten?
No, I wouldn’t.
Better leave it. The action sounds very unpleasant when reading.
Absolute waste of time. In the end, it will be too unpleasant for your teacher to look under your eyes after you deducted this and wasted their important time.
Apart from the fact that I don’t even understand the question also not the point behind it, I would probably just let it be…
Leave her alone.
Tell the friend if he wants to know, he’s supposed to write them to SELBER.
Why would she? This can only cause her trouble because she makes herself vulnerable and you would have her answer in black. I guess you’re 14-16. Imagine a 6-year-old would write you an email. Would you answer that?
Conclusion: Let this bullshit action stay and stop making trouble for your teacher.
What happens when you do that?
Everybody’s got fun, and they’re gonna kick you out.
What happens when this gets out?
Your teacher will at best wonder and at worst be very disappointed by you.
Would you like to be your friends’ joke? It sounds like you actually find the woman nice. So leave it.
If your friend finds the idea so great, he should do it himself and keep you out of it.
Leave it.
Leave it. She looks like the mail comes from you anyway
Let it be! That only ends mega embarrassing for you
You really want to make yourself ridiculous?
The next day the whole teacher room will laugh at you.