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I think the band would definitely make an official farewell trip if they stopped.
Now there is the 30-year anniversary tour (2024).
I think and hope that there will be at least one tour after that. Especially because the guys like to play in Mexico, as they have often told in interviews. There they play again safely, so there is definitely another world tour 🔥🤘
I don’t hope it would be a bad band less! With them you missed nix, really troubleless the music, and the doubtful reputation of the band members should give one to think. As you can see, everyone can buy free with enough lubrication…
It is the most successful and famous band in Germany and abroad. I think your taste for music is not quite normal. 🙃
I’m not hoping.
The music is extremely trivial, that can write and play a pavian with Downsyndrom. The texts are becoming more and more stupid. And then this is so inflated and nem millions of people sold with pyro and everything. And the band members are all perverse as they have recently been given.
I never read the mirror.
This only confirms that you have only informed you through the mirror 💀
No, I have formed my opinion myself and find the music and lyrics in contrast to what I know and hear extremely underexposed.
1. No
Two. Because I don’t want to be ‘famous as Rammstein’
I don’t use my power to do my sick sex practices with minors.
But the main thing is insulted. Says more about you than about me.
Wow, that’s how stupid people are. You probably got your information from the mirror or the picture newspaper, right?
1. The texts are masterpieces. Lyrically just perfect.
Two. If there is a pavian with Downsyndrom, why are you not as famous as Rammstein yet. Are you more talentless than a pavian? Apparently yes. 😂
And the band members are not perverted than you… 🤷 ♂️ Now you can decide how pervers they are. You’ll be more perverted. 😂
It’s such an own gate, your answer…