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What do you mean? Do you think if you’re good at school?
► If you’re good at the gymnasium, you’ll normally also be able to create the Abitur.
But studying is a completely different number!
► Good at school and good Abitur => that does not say much about whether you will successfully create a study. In particular, if you are studying a really difficult subject.
For example, many who always had 1 in math in school, in math LK and in math abi, fail despite the Mathe study and do not even survive the 1st semester.
Is architecture heavy?
Every study is difficult – in any case much heavier than Abitur.
But if I’m done, I’m 31.
Yeah, go ahead.
Abitur is not hard.
I don’t want to study, I just want to do Abitur to improve my general knowledge
If you don’t learn, yes
and when you learn
It can fit.
Examination fear can be overwhelming!
Surely that is possible. Incorrect study choice, mental illness, social stress such as family conflicts or housinglessness and poverty.
Many children from Atneiter and migrant families do not create Abitur or studies because the circumstances do not fit. Many academic children createcapito and study although they are not excessively gifted
If you’re badly prepared and you’re crazy that you can’t make it, that can happen.