Denkt ihr ich schaffe es eine gute Note zu bekommen?

Ich schreibe am Dienstag meine Realabschlussprüfung in Mathe, aber ich habe noch nichts gelernt. Denkt ihr ich schaffe es noch eine gute Note zu bekommen, wenn ich viel lerne? Ich bin nicht gut in Mathe

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9 months ago

Surely this is possible if you put enough penance in the learning process until then (for which there is simple club etc. xd). You won’t be the first to get the curve despite the time pressure. Better late than never. In addition, I can imagine that there are people in your vintage who start Sunday, so you’ve already got a big lead 🙂 . and sometimes quite seriously, the majority of people in our society were certainly not always only single students in some subjects, and have managed to do it anyway and what’s done. You will later realize that less the notes, but the way to them is the decisive one. In the end, you will be checked if you can stay on the ball, be diligent and disciplined. If you go through now, take care of yourself and stay on it, I’m sure you’re proud of yourself in 3 weeks.

9 months ago

what’s in the test?