Denkt ihr ich muss Drogentest für Führerschein machen?

Bin Dauerkonsument von THC (ab und zu auch anderes) und wurde bereits 5x von der Polizei kontrolliert und erwischt. Immer mit Mengen von 1-50g. Führerschein habe ich keinen.

Denkt ihr ich muss einen Drogentest machen wenn ich jetzt meinen Führerschein anfangen möchte obwohl ich ja nie bekiftt gefahren bin?

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2 years ago

I myself have been a permanent consumer in cannabis (THC) for 5 years. I’ve also been informed of my driving licence. Despite all this, I was able to make my driver’s license quite normal and I have now also come 2 years through the trial period without great problems. (If you take road traffic accordingly and follow all the rules, you should get through “doof said” well) I’ve been clean for weeks and have to say that life is fun even without drugs. Especially since your driving licence is always at risk if you have detectable substances in the urine/blood and the money is really too bad for that.

LG. aliasderdritte.

2 years ago

So in Austria it is like this:

If you are not caught in road traffic and are driving your driving licence, you will get a lock of 2 years and must definitely take a urine test if you want to make the driver’s license. I can’t imagine it’s different in Germany. We even have to test several times (e.g. every 2-3 months) to prove that you are no longer consumed.

If you get caught again while you’re doing your driving permit, you’ll get locked again and you can deposit everything you’ve previously paid in. You’ll just fall for that.

Good luck!

2 years ago

if I want to start my driving license

As a well-known continuous user, you don’t get a driving license

2 years ago

Hopefully there is another legal situation in two years anyway

You think in two years you’re allowed to drive in a crimson? What do you need to smoke to get on such ideas?

You can only hope that the driving authority has knowledge of your dependency and §14 FeV to be applied.

2 years ago

It won’t be done with a drug test…
In your file, it becomes 100% a 12-month abstinence certificate with subsequent MPU. It’s gonna be a hard nut for you.

2 years ago

I would first submit an application to the competent authority and speak honestly with your instructors. It may be that you have to become the MPU “Idiotetest”.

2 years ago

ICh hope you don’t get a driving license…

You can do what you want, but other people can’t endanger it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Davidtheanswer

You don’t seem to have the view.

Small example, you can drink when and where you want to go to the coma, as long as you don’t drive drunk car, it’s enough for you to smoke a joint at the weekend and stop in the week (even if the noise is over for a long time).

And for so many people the existence is broken. Not everyone has the opportunity to take bus and train to work every day.

2 years ago
Reply to  184719

Oh, my goodness, you know exactly what I mean… okay, I add it extra more: even if you drink alcohol in a regular and a lot and in a short time it doesn’t go any more, shouldn’t drive again the next day depending on…

2 years ago

Yes, but it’s about being able to be bounced even weeks after sober

2 years ago


You should get your life on line, driving license is the last thing you should think of right now.


2 years ago
Reply to  lace04

You can’t. The degradation products are detectable for weeks in urine. As a regular box, you’re always on control.