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You’ll smell it as soon as you pull the foil off. I’m afraid they’re not good anymore.
If your refrigerator has less than 6°C, it still smells OK, it has no slimy surface, you can still consume it (please well fried!).
With the slightest doubt: Get away!
No. There’s a date of consumption that you should stick to! This is not a minimum retention date.
With chickens, I wouldn’t do it anymore, 5days about it is dangerous. Salmonella.
After roasting, they’re broken.
I wouldn’t do it anyway, with chicken I’m always mega cautious
No, I wouldn’t. Chicken meat is a critical food for freshness.
I don’t see that tragic. This has been stored in the refrigerator and if the meat is properly roasted, there is no danger of salmonella at all. However, and this should always be cautious in poultry, when opening, wash your hands immediately and dispose of everything in packaging without bringing anything into contact with it.
There is not at least stable to but consume up.
Very important here!
No, I wouldn’t do it in your place. The risk is too big.
It could have formed salmonella,so no
What are Salmonella supposed to be “forming”? European chickens are free of salmonella
Poultry for four days I wouldn’t eat.
Even though it was cooled.
No, 5 days later.
If you’re going through it, but right, you can eat it. If only very dry
No chickens should Do not risk your health
As long as she hasn’t run away by then, you can still eat her.
If nothing grows and stinks: enjoy well fried.
I would give your garbage bucket a gift