Denkt ihr gibt es schlechte und unfähige Ärzte … unten lesen?
Denkt ihr gibt es welche …und wie erkennt man schlechte Ärzte …. habt ihr schon mal Erfahrung gemacht …wenn ja was genau war der Grund ?
Denkt ihr gibt es welche …und wie erkennt man schlechte Ärzte …. habt ihr schon mal Erfahrung gemacht …wenn ja was genau war der Grund ?
Hey Freunde,stimmt es das man kleiner wirkt durch X Beine und wenn die X Beine verschwinden das man dann 1-2cm größer wird? lg
Gestern Nacht bin ich plötzlich wach geworden, ich kann mich nicht mehr an alles 100% erinnern, aber ich glaube ich bin mit Herzrassen aufgewacht. Ich lag auf der Seite und mein anderer Arm auf dem ich nicht drauf lag oder so, ist komplett eingeschlafen von oben bis unten und wurde nicht mehr richtig durchblutet sozusagen….
Bin vorgestern auf eine getreten aber habe danach keinen Stachel gesehen. Jetzt juckt es und ist geschwollen. Ich weiß jedoch nicht ob es normal ist dass man die „Einstichstelle“ so sieht bzw ob da vllt noch ein Stück Stachel drin steckt?
stimmt es dass vitamin B dadurch nicht aufgenommen wird??
Ich habe gerade eine Erkältung und habe mich gefragt, was eigentlich passiert, wenn man 2 Infektionen gleichzeitig hat, zum Beispiel Magen Darm und Erkältung. Weiß das jemand?
Hallo Zusammen ist das normal eigentlich normal wenn der fuß anfängt zu vibrieren das oben am Stirn wo die augenbrauen sind heftiger druckgefühl kommt? Und noch eine Frage wenn das herausstellt das liegt an vitamin B mangel und ich das Präparat kaufen und nehmen wielange dauert es ca. Bis die Symptome verschwinden? Und noch eine…
Yes, there is.
Sometimes it’s just because it’s just people. Sometimes fresh from training or something else. There are mistakes.
I was with the doctor in January and was examined by a doctor coming fresh from the training for throat pain, etc.
She wrote me sick for three days.
I’m almost crawled in the 3 days. Had to the 40 degrees fever etc.
When I was back there, one of the older doctors examined me and sent me SOFORT to X-ray, etc.
I had a severe pneumonia. My entire left lung wing was almost a single inflammation….
Got 2 antibiotics and everything possible to testify that shot me.
The older doctor must have apologized 100 times for this mistake, because I really had gone almost hopps.
If we had traded the 3 days before, the VIEL would have been more harmless.
Personally, I’m not a follower either.
Habs survived and the young doctor learned to do something so easily with certainty her lesson.
They were both very concerned and even kept contacting me via my phone just to know how I am.
But as I said. Making mistakes is human.
And doctors, are people.
But their mistakes can cost people life.
Just like a mistake of JEDEM car driver can live cost etc….
And no sign has almost everyone…
I think so. If you want to become a doctor, you should also know what to do. People take seriously, examine correctly, etc.. at least doctors also put an oath.
is it better or worse?
Dead would be dead. No matter what the mistake of whoever…
I don’t trust my life to another driver, I don’t ask for help and don’t pay any amounts in the 4-6-digit area for help.
I myself experienced such a doctor, but he hung his profession on the nail, started something totally different, so that even knuckled and finally took the knit.
oje sounds bad
Yes, there are a lot of bad doctors I met in my professional life, and then I wore, because I couldn’t represent the opinion of how they were going to jump with the patients.
I myself have 9 shoulder surgery with an endoprosthesis because of multiple doctors, the first surgery went wrong as the surgeon was drunk, all the following surgery was restorations of the broken shoulder.
In an operation, bone fragments fell, which made insane pain, at the arbitration point they were shown in the throat, the doctor got right.
Also, I got an intraoperative drug against which I am allergic, the doctor had marked the yellow, given me and I am almost suffocated. She cried and apologised as she could have cost the job.
During a hospital stay, the doctor should lay a needle, he stabbed 11 times, always with the same imperial needle, even in the foot, and it didn’t work, the anesthest came and wanted to explain it to him, he didn’t have to.
I could write books, with so many hospital stays I had more than enough incapable doctors, so I always say that in the hospital you have to be core-healthy to survive everything.
At another surgery, the scar was drawn in, the senior doctor admitted his handy number to me and said for 2000 euros I will make you the most beautiful scar.
As a pain patient, the doctor ordered me to only infuse salt, so that I got a withdrawal postoperatively, she had to apologize, which did not help me in the after.
History 1: My wrist hurt very much a few years ago and through the tendon it was quite different.
Since my housekeeper is apparently on vacation every 3 weeks, I was at the office.
This strongly overweight thing saw me with a shoulder towel and asked what I wanted to do now. I proposed a bandage. She gave me such a 0815 rail that pressed very against my tendon and hurt very much.
In order not to have to go back to her, I even picked up various doctors and therapies until the last doctor told me that there is only one surgery.
It’s all right now.
History 2: my little brother had a little Lymoh knot on his head.
He was with different doctors. It went from: “You have nothing” to: “It is a grown-in hair” to the removal of a sample that was lost.
After a few weeks it was clear that there were tumors due to leukemia.
Yes, there is and has already experienced it.
Once had a pediatrician, he didn’t answer my questions at all, according to the motto “Always fit.”. I didn’t feel understood or enlightened at all. You had to pull it out of your nose.
Apart from the fact that he could not see blood 😲. Just threw a quick look over it and immediately said I should give up the bandage, he can’t stand blood.
Who’s going to be a doctor?
Those whose parents ask them to study medicine, but even wanted something completely different.
Of course, there are also bad doctors, even if they have studied medicine. It is usually seen that they hardly listen to their patients or hardly look at them.
In this way, for example, important studies and disease diagnosis do not take place cleanly.
Even if someone comes into practice only with a cold, questions about the general condition, fever and an examination of the throat room, ears and the hearing of the breathing noise are standard.
Anyone who leaves the latter risks not to notice a bronchitis or pneumonia in time as a doctor.
Of course there are those – as in any profession…
I’ve already known doctors who yelled me loudly. LG
Yes, there is. Since I’ve been working with doctors, I’ve noticed more often
Of course they are!
the definition of “bad” and “incapable”.
and yes, but I have the right to change…
Hello Poppedelfoppe!
The doctor at the pattern. He was diagnosed with gum inflammation where a tooth was drawn some time ago.
And after reconnaissance apologise, beautiful day
It’s safe, but you don’t usually get used to mistreatment. Because they are all under a blanket and can afford the best lawyers:-(