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2 years ago

comes to the account model you chose. We do not know the model and the associated costs. Keep checking in your documents – and if necessary change the account model.

2 years ago

There are not one Volksbank, there are some. Each of these Volksbanks has its own price list of services that you can find out which costs for which products are incurred.

In this context, the bank should also list some information about each of its products and disadvantages somewhere on the website.

If you don’t see any benefits in it and offer a cheaper product that doesn’t have the costs, you can change it. If the bank has no product, you can change the bank completely.

2 years ago

Check your account model. Fees for cash withdrawals to the account-leading bank machines seem rather unusual to me. I’m not taking this back to the map. What Volksbank is it?

2 years ago

At any reasonable bank, today you have a free Visa card where you can withdraw free of charge from any bank anywhere and at any time.