Denkt ihr es ist eine gute entscheidung das stadt leben hinter sich zu lassen und aufs land zu ziehen (in einem anderen land )?

Ich hab den Gedanken schon sehr lang und lebte früher auf dem Land und liebte es, deswegen denke ich wenn ich älter bin möchte ich wieder auswandern und aufs Land ziehen was denkt ihr darüber

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1 year ago

A move to the country can offer a variety of advantages, such as more space, fresh air, a quieter environment and a closer community. It can also be an opportunity to escape the hectic city life and to lead a more relaxed way of life. However, you should also consider the potential challenges such as longer pendulum times, more limited access to services and possibly less cultural activities. It is important to balance your personal preferences, priorities and life goals to make the best decision for you. Personally, I am a city man and I would be totally boring in the country, but it comes to the person and his own character.

1 year ago

I live in the country and I’m older. But I live in Germany. If you are older, you also have other needs, such as young people. In the country you are always dependent on the car and you need to see that the medical care is secured. Then the question arises how it is when your own mobility is restricted? Infrastructure is a big topic. Shopping, doctor visits, etc.

Also a topic is: apartment or house? When you get older, it will also be more and more strenuous to take care of a house and perhaps to cultivate a plot/garden. There’s a lot to remember.

If you want to go abroad, there is certainly a lot to remember. That’s not what you decide next door. You have to get very deep and comprehensive information.

While Corona I also dealt with a move to a smaller apartment in the city. I decided to stay in the country. Lots of space and garden are not the worst. But then you have to find other solutions for the emerging problems.

1 year ago

I’m not a landman, but if you know that you like it, it’ll be the right decision for you too:)

1 year ago

Must everyone decide if you like the country life then it is definitely a good decision

1 year ago

I think moving out and going to the country are two different things. But if you’re unhappy, you should definitely change something.

1 year ago

If it doesn’t bother you, you have to drive 10 km for even the smallest purchases….