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For at least 4.5 million consumers between the ages of 18 and 64, perhaps twice as many, depending on how much the numbers are underestimated, I do not think there is any. Only teachers are usually more particularly reluctant with regard to public dealing. They risk not only the usual punishments associated with possession, purchase, etc., but also a professional ban.
At our time Biomedicine we were very sure.
When we had the Themar “Drogen”, he told us that he was a student “consciously expanding substances” had tried: “…was a cool feeling, but after that we had a matschbirne for days…”.
Yes, it’s just people
Oh, my German teacher at that time, took some other stuff.
As teachers are also people, they have all the mistakes, like other people.
I’ve got a couple of teachers at my school.
There are people taking drugs in every layer of society.
Someone was thrown by my school last night.
Teachers are only people
Of course.
Of course, teachers lawyers, judges, policemen, politicians…
I’ve seen a box in all social classes and occupations.
Even under doctors.