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I’m glad I’m here in the country at least have a reasonable Döner store in range. Will say five kilometers by car.
Only for a few years has its owner changed and since then I can at least regularly eat. At the pre-owner, I got annoyed diarrhea after every döner. And that’s why I’m a maximum of one, two times a year, just to test if something had improved. But only if the pressure of suffering was really unbearable. The next two alternatives are over ten kilometers away.
No, no one else has it not Halal
Only if they say/write it extra.
Otherwise, no.
Before Donald Trump rides bike
No. Many dunes contain only 60% meat anyway.
No, except they write it extra.
Comes to the Döner store…!? o_O
I live in the country… our “Döner-Man” breeds his flesh, or the animals, even… and that demands better than the organic label!
He also builds the vegetables and salad and makes the sauces themselves…
€15.80 for a standard tinker is a fair price! 🙂
Is there any Thursday or, as we say, every Dönerstag? ♥