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This depends on whether human beings are colonizing other planets outside the solar system in time and there is no global nuclear war. Resources on earth and space are limited. If he does, then the chances for a very long existence are very good. If he does not make the colonization of other planets, then the existence will be much shorter than that of the dinosaurs.
If we stay on this planet, no way.
You can’t say that. Mammals and dinosaurs were born about the same time. Only the great Sauriers dominated the development for a long time. Many types of sourcing came and went. In the form of birds, the sours have survived to this day. The primates from which we emerged developed only after the “Great Extinctor” had killed the big sours. Whether our branch of suckers exists for 160 million years, or develops into something else, or dies, will show the future.
You cannot compare a whole order with a single species or race. A single Dinoart has also not existed millions of years. And so you’d have to say “acids” instead of humans. And it looks good.
At the homo sapiens you have to calculate at least 3 million years of past and it will evolve. What he looks like in 100000 years? split into two races, one of which serves as cave dwellers an incomprehensible wheelwork and the other is fed in paradise – until it Verificationis fed… who knows?
No, man probably won’t even make a quarter.
Definitely NO, we’re way too stupid…
It does not look like that.
Well, this comparison is unfair. The dinosaurs comprise a handful of specifics and the human being is only one.
No, and that’s what the human being does.
No way.
Let’s do it.
yes they are not all