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1 year ago

If you approach Bias with selective perception and Confirmation, you could certainly get the impression that it works.

Logically, and evidence-based is probably a clear no.

1 year ago

Of course you can. I am somewhat advanced in manifesting, and for example I think briefly about one thing that then happens 😉

1 year ago

Yeah, you can. If you say you can fly every day, you won’t be able to fly. But you can manifest certain things and that has nothing to do with esotericism, but with psychology. LG

1 year ago

Yes, you can manifest certain things, events or even people in your life.

The best method is that you feel like you already want to manifest what you want and live with openness and gratitude.

I hope I could help you 😉

1 year ago

Energy follows attention.

So if you firmly believe in your learning skills, you will learn more and more with time, have better skills and thus also attract corresponding successes in all areas of life.

1 year ago

Manifesting is esoteric humbug.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nelson100

For self-filling prophecy 🙂 You certainly don’t have to share the esoteric scaffold behind manifesting – but yes, we “manage” quite a lot in our lives and most of it unconscious! And all this is just psychology 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  ZionsDaughter

Self-fulfilling prophecies… So prophecies that manipulate the person concerned with fear or hope so that he works towards their fulfillment, or he looks at incidentally occurring events as their fulfillment, even if they go only partially or slightly in the direction of prophecy or this is kept so blurred that a plurality of possible events could be regarded as their fulfillment or the events occurring to fulfilment were already predictable by political, climatic or other currents.

So yes, Esoteric Humbug, manipulation, eyewiss…

1 year ago

Well, you can call it what you want 😀 . Whether it is eyewissness, if one actually brings about something through his behavior (consciously or unconsciously), I also question it, because ultimately it will be true. Ophthalmology is perhaps more likely to be based on esoteric explanations. But this phenomenon of self-filling prophecy we are all subject to – every day, constantly. Most of them are unconscious.
So if you want to achieve more consciousness about it with “manife-treating” or whatever you want to call it, I don’t even think it’s such a wrong idea. It is only impossible to run into esoteric ideas, which then have a dysfunctional effect on your own life.