Do you think I have PCOS?
Be afraid
Irregular days (always)
Stomach almost constantly bloated for 2 weeks
Last period was very light, only bled for 1 day, otherwise only discharge
Never pain during period
My gynecologist is still 1 week
Be afraid
Irregular days (always)
Stomach almost constantly bloated for 2 weeks
Last period was very light, only bled for 1 day, otherwise only discharge
Never pain during period
My gynecologist is still 1 week
I do self-isolation, eat a lot of vitamin C, exercise, etc.
Hey people I had sex with my boyfriend the last few days, and when he took my virginity and the other times after that, I hardly felt any pain, or rather, it wasn't "too tight." But now, the last few times, I've always been really tight at the beginning (despite foreplay), so we have to…
I have a cold and a fever and am nauseous. What can I do? What should I eat?
hi everyone, I went on vacation today (not with family or friends), and it's really a mess. But now I've gotten my period, and I only have tampons with me that are too weak. What can I use? The grocery store is out of bounds, in case you're writing this. Best regards 🙂
Hey, I'm 14 years old and I'm going to the 18th birthday party of a former member with the club tonight. I was thinking about giving her a little something, but I have no idea what, since I barely know her. I probably won't be able to get to a store anymore… if I do,…
Hello roflklopter123👋
You should wait for the doctor’s appointment, even if you take care of it, and let it be cleared, remote diagnostics would only take you further. That one has never hurt during the period, that is nothing general, not every woman has pain, for example I had some, now I have no more, also that the belly is inflated, some have that, others do not.
I hope you will track your cycle and symptoms if not, the App Flo is super.
If you have the symptoms of PCOS, this is relatively likely
If you have 2/3 of:
The investigations will give you clarity
Are too few data. How old are you? How irregular are your cycles?
22, currently every 40 days (rare), usually every 2 months, earlier quite at the beginning (the first got at 16) it was every 4 months so it was always irregular. Last month I had my days after 2 months of rest but it only bleededed 1 day and otherwise I had 6 days only brown outflow what I had never before bleeding normally
How old are you and are you underweight? Or have nutrient deficiency?
regular 40 days is long but not irregular. A normal cycle goes up to 36 days
What does the doctor say? You already have the problem for over a year, so you’ve been at the gym
I’m not underweight. 40 days is rare 2 times a year. Mostly it is 60 days
The best step would be to arrange an appointment as soon as your female doctor reopens and discuss your concerns and symptoms in detail. Until then, it might be helpful to document any symptoms and changes to give your doctor a complete overview.