Denkt ihr das bei vielen gestörten Asylbewerber, die Angriffe machen?
Sie sind psychisch überfordert aufgrund von Kulturschock und Einsamkeit in Europa. In ihrem Heimatland wären sie daher möglicherweise ausgeglichener.
Sie sind psychisch überfordert aufgrund von Kulturschock und Einsamkeit in Europa. In ihrem Heimatland wären sie daher möglicherweise ausgeglichener.
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They’d probably have other worries in their home country.
I’m not trying to justify such attacks. Such people have very clear intentions. This is not just a simple culture shock. Europe is not responsible for the attacks, only the assassin himself or the ideology from which it kills.
We’ve been telling you this for a long time: Go to Mutti and Vati, who teach you a regulated daily routine and expel your loneliness. Do you? No, why should others return to their home country?
Have you ever met such an asylum seeker in person?
I’ll do it
Besides, your head is word goulash.
Is that so many? In the USA there are more than daily school shootings of locals and no itchy. In Germany such attacks are generally very rare in my eyes. I am surprised that there is not something like this more often or almost daily.
Are they really? How do you know? Psychic stress is more likely for other reasons. In addition, have you been before the war in Syria? In the cities, life was very, very similar to usners. There’s no “culture shock.” Furthermore, most of them know very well how life looks here before they leave. Thanks to social media, smartphone and internet it is easy to get in touch.
So if you’re compulsively moved in and your 12-year-old kids shoot you with storm rifles, are you more balanced? If the Sharia just comes by your house and picks up your fortune because you weren’t in the mosque, you’re more balanced?
From one who has worked much with refugees, whose wife has been deporting and is now a decision-maker, let you be told: you have no idea about the asylum seekers. Your question is self-opening and poverty.
Extreme stupidity.
I meant sure if their homeland is like war before. So in their environment and culture.
Daily? Northern Europe was with hardly such attacks before immigration. very peaceful. And you want daily attacks like USA, otherwise you’re wondering?
Very superb person.
As I said, I wonder, both before and after immigration, why such attacks in Europe do not happen more frequently. The same applies to extended suicide.
Unfortunately, you didn’t answer any of my questions, why. I would have found it interesting how you came to your statements.
Here, too, you’re just joking all asylum seekers over a bunch: Only in a few (mainly Syrians) whose country has changed in recent years or has experienced a war. In Afghanistan or some African countries there has been no stability for over 100 years and a war/revolution/power change/power vacuum every few years. In addition, there are many countries of origin that are extremely western, for example, there are many asylum seekers from Albania, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Iran, Ukraine, etc. – even Asian countries that do not differ much culturally from us. For you it is simply “the asylum seekers with other culture”.
Instead of rationally argue, you will be insulting several times. Where the arguments stop, the insults begin. You even confirm me when I said that your statements indicate your ignorance about asylum seekers. And instead of talking to a person who has a little more experience than you have in the area, you start to insult. Shame!
Then it will be time to finally unite you again in Egypt with Mutti and Daddy!
But I delivered. I immediately deprived your stupid assumption that asylum seekers do not have social benefits due to language barriers.
In Cairo there is a saying : Close the door through which the wind comes in and relax.
Therefore, it is wrong to accept people from such backward countries and then whistle that they failed in the integeration.
You shouldn’t take them first, you don’t have their problems.
If you want labor, there are probably millions in Ukraine, Russia Argentina, Vietnam who want VERY GERN in Germany.
This is not the subject of your question, but another point. Here you mix a lot. Among other things, social integration, education, crime rates of different countries, different asylum opportunities, and various countries of origin. In addition: In Sweden, there are almost the best social benefits for social workers across the EU, which is precisely a reason for the most vulnerable.
You don’t explain anything – what is there to understand?
The migration problems of the Netherlands are much older and partly based on colonial policy. The Netherlands has other migration problems before 2010, mainly with other countries of origin (e.g. Morocco). Since I have lived in the Netherlands for several years, I have, of course, been able to talk much about their electoral and asylum behaviour. You can’t compare this with the asylum seekers from Central Africa or the Near East, or attacks. There have already been many attacks and much earlier than today.
You don’t give reasons for your claims, no answers to requests. You just write, “Ey did you see, it was enriched by a hit, it’s all so bad.” And want simple solutions for complex problems. In addition, you just shoot whole human groups over a comb. This is picture-time level!
The vast majority of immigrants’ relationship is probably a job center. You have offers from friends, acquaintances, translate, CARITAS to submit the requests.
The asylum seekers are all in the statistics of the job center and the social office and money is spent. So it was possible to make a request.
Can’t you understand?
Sweden was a very peaceful country before 2010. Perfect. When the immigrants came, it became ghetto.
The same for the Netherlands.
So a normal person will see the effects.
You get weapons everywhere in Europe (especially online and offline, or a knife or car is already enough!). There are a lot of immigrants, including a lot of aggressiveness and dependence (see alcohol abuse in the former Soviet states or human trafficking/prostitution of Clans). Job prospects without training are bad everywhere – just like the possible income. The social system must first be applied for what is difficult for language barrier.
“behave differently” does not mean that the persons are basically criminal.
Again, you insult instead of discussing or justifying. So who doesn’t agree with that is ignorant? I haven’t even written that I disagreed. Nevertheless, you have interpreted this.
Why are you wondering?
In Northern Europe there were civilized people who do not tend to aggressivity. There are hardly any weapons available among people. There are also social systems and health insurance. There are also job prospects.
USA: Arms everywhere, no perspectives, poverty, no social systems, very aggressive people from South America and Africa who are different.
It means you’re ignorant.
They tend to have a psychic crack because of the conditions in their home countries.