Denkt ihr bei dem Job gibt es einen Haken?
2500 – 5000€
30 Stunden Pro Woche
2500 – 5000€
30 Stunden Pro Woche
Ich habe vor zu kündigen, sobald Ich eine neue, gut geeignete Stelle gefunden habe, da Ich auf der Arbeit nur schlechte Erfahrungen gesammelt habe (z.B. nur geputzt und selten die Aufgaben gemacht, für die ich mich beworben habe oder wurde angemotzt, wenn Ich Fragen gestellt habe um nichts falsch zu machen, obwohl es meine erste…
Ok Die Frage ist vllt etwas skurril aber wenn ich eine Firma (in meinem Fall ein Einzelunternehmen) anmelde muss ich dann auch Wirtschaften/geld umsetzen? Oder kann ich die auch nebenbei angemeldet haben ohne nur einen Cent damit umzusetzen?
Denken wirklich Leute schnitzel 17 euro sind 17 euro gewinn?
Hallöchen, mache momentan eine Ausbildung zur sozialpädagogischen Assistentin, aber der Bereich liegt mir gar nicht. Nach der Ausbildung wollte ich eventuell eine Ausbildung zur MFA (medizinische Fachangestellten) machen und danach im Krankenhaus arbeiten. Richtung Kreißsaal, da mich dieser Bereich sehr interessiert. Aber viele versuchen es mir auszureden, weil man ja wohl zu wenig verdient. Stimmt…
Hallo ich brauche mal eure Meinung Ich bin gerade auf einem Internat 11 klasse und will eigentlich abi machen . In meiner Zukunft möchte ich auswandern und viel Geld verdienen . Denkt ihr man hat auch ohne Abitur gute Chancen erfolgreich zu werden ? Wäre es eine gute Idee Abitur abzubrechen ich müsste noch 3…
When potential customers are full Your thing is and you can live with steep targets, you can earn so much. But you must be certain that you are out very quickly, if you don’t get the requirements.
I can’t even see what they market on their website.
Surely there is this hook. You have to sell/turn to people, which is not a self-runner and cannot simply be placed in a shelf. This includes a certain kind of persuasion, psychotricks and moral debris.
If you have everything and can work like this, the main problem for beginners comes. The solid content is hardly or not enough to live. You’re knocking over hours like crazy to finally get a deal. Only with a high number of degrees you earn a lot. If there are too few degrees, you will soon be fired.
The person processor is certainly a professional who will talk to you about the job. Since I don’t see a pasture on a business car, they’ll take you off with bad spears.
Such offers are like sand by the sea. Extremely disgusting. Both the invitation to tender and the internet presence do not provide any information about the business venue. Each line text aims to recruit staff.
With great probability, it is a company that pays no to very little basic salary and the salary mainly consists of commissions and bonuses. At the end of the day, there will be some sort of products/services that nobody wants. Of course, one is promoted at the beginning, but after a short time one is required and put under pressure over all dimensions. In fact, such job vacancies often stop and companies do not hear anything after a few months. Applicants may also be pulled over the table, by self-contributions, snowball systems etc. The leadership for the catchment area will probably make a Wolf of Wallstreet and wear extremely expensive suits and drive Ferrari or something.
On their side everything is very unconcrete. As it reads, it’s direct sales. That means you’re in the field and you’re supposed to sell people or companies anything. If you’re good at it, or if it’s good for you, it might look like merit. Probably the merit is directly linked to your sales.
You can apply and make an appointment. Then you can ask everything exactly and know what’s coming to you.
That’s what I see. Visually well prepared, but totally unconcrete.
sounds tempting, but there’s always a hack.
Are you coming from Berlin? They’ll have an office.
So I realize that you only earn good money when attracting customers, but not at the end the demands are too high and you don’t deserve anything.
You’re right! I think it’s like that when you get customers or whatever the company does that you get Bonis if you don’t get the minimum
I think with 2,500 – 5,000 mean the gross which is actually only good for 30 hours a week, but don’t want to work on a conveyor belt.
so where you’re only paid well after rough performance
That’s the question. How many customers do you need to drag? Is there a minimum turnover?
Place of work Mobile.
So I don’t know the company but also the side of them looks very generic.
I tap on any marketing/distribution principle that is classified by many as not very serious.
The wage range is also very broad and non-essential.
It’s just a guess. When you get out of the neighborhood, look over.
Or just apply. After the conversation can still say no.
Classic structural distribution.
In the case of sales without prior knowledge, I am basically skeptical.
the wage margin alone is not credible.