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2 years ago

“Make the right wing strong!” – Deutschlandfunk…

“Take my right wing strong!” Only France’s army is quickly destroyed, then all troops are thrown against Russia: This is what it saw in 1905…

Make my right wing strong!…

Make my right wing strong! This statement is attributed to the Prussian General Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen (1833-1913). …

Schlieffen-Plan – Wikipedia

However, Moltke (the younger) remained in the offensive conception of Schlieffen, but adapted the plan to the changed strategic position. The…

Attack on France – The slept plan | MDR.DE…

The last words of the old chief of general staff were to have been: “Make my right wing strong.” His successor, General Helmuth…

Make the right wing strong – the left but not!…

Stamped. All performers 3/4-figure, in leather coats with Borsalino hats, standing next to each other in a 2nd and a 3rd group. In…

2 years ago

Good plan, then went wrong after initial success, culminated in a long lossy war of positions.

This is the short version, for powerful information, I recommend the read-through suitable offshore.

2 years ago

No, I can’t. For this, I would have to refresh the knowledge on the subject, too long.