Den angekündigten Zahlungen wird entgegengesehen?
Hallo liebe Community , ich habe eine Ratenzahlung beantragt daraufhin kam ein Schreiben.
Sehr geehrter Herr xxx,
den angekündigten Zahlungen wird entgegengesehen.
was genau hat das zu bedeuten?
Lese sowas zum ersten Mal.
lieben Dank.
That is, one expects the payment/s announced and waits. If you keep everything okay, they agree.
I understand that they agree with it and nod your proposal.
But since there is an unusual formulation and there have already been problems, you should catch up again. Especially becauseagainst, can be understood negatively somewhere.
But what else should they write?: We are happy to pay you soon?
We’re sorry they have payment problems, but they can also pay in rates?
(I almost wrote: Sorry that they have payment problems, but we come to meet them and they are allowed to cancel their amount.)
As you can see, this can also be positive.
Maybe there’s a short call to settle this.
I would understand that you are granted your request = it is granted.
DAs sounds as if the creditor agrees to the installment.
The creditors hope for money in rates.