“den Abdruck aufrechterhalten” – ist dieser Ausdruck verständlich, oder muss er anders formuliert werden?

Liebe Leute,

ich habe eine Frage bezüglich folgender Formulierung. Zunächst muss ich ein bisschen ausholen und die Situation beschreiben, damit der Sinnzusammenhang klarer hervortritt:

Ein Mann sitzt auf einer Matte, fällt auf dieser hin und rappelt sich dann wieder hoch, dann sieht er hin, und merkt, dass sein Abdruck … noch seine Form… aufrechterhält. Das heißt, die Körperform ist noch sichtbar, da diese Matte eingedrückt ist. Wie soll man dies nun am besten formulieren? Ich danke für jede Hilfe.

Die Stelle, an der sie die Turnmatte berührte, hielt noch ihre Form aufrecht.

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11 months ago


You can say, “The impression of his body was on the mat.”

Or, “The impression of his body on the mat remained visible for a time.”

11 months ago

His impression on the mat remained still [xy minutes] received/was still visible.

Something “maintained” typically refers to active actions and behaviors and does not fit here.

You can maintain the tension in a relationship. The pressure against an object is maintained.

11 months ago

Sounds kind of twisted. :

On the one hand: gymnastics mats are quite firm but elastic. There are usually no prints.

For the formulation itself: “maintains its form” – this is at least ambiguous. The original shape of the gym mat? Or the impression of her (wasn’t that a man??)?

If you mean the print, maybe I’d be like that

“It was still his/her impression where he/she had touched the mat.”

11 months ago
Reply to  ZborcenyDrak

What I mentioned earlier: in the case of gym mats I know, there is not this effect. In this context, for example, I think of such a kind of “stamp effect” in “printing” – you can see the body impression because it was perhaps moist/slurry.

That’s why it all sounds “wrong” for me.

But maybe you could try something with “relief-like” (“in the mat the relief-like impression of the body was recognizable”, etc.). Or “in the mat the impression of the body was visible as a depression”. Or “the deepening that the body has left in the mat kept its shape for

11 months ago

First of all, if someone sits on a mat, he can no longer fall on this mat or fall on this mat. He’s sitting on it.

Your sentence is not understandable because

  • a place cannot maintain a shape.
  • you don’t know who touched a gym mat. Who is they? I thought a man was sitting on a gym mat.

Example of the verb “maintained something”:

  • The customer received its claim for reimbursement of the total purchase amount upright. = The customer remained its claim for reimbursement of the total purchase amount.

Your sentence with an athlete as the one who sat on a mat:

  • The place where the athlete sat on the gym mat and pressed it, the this form alsoafter he had risen.
  • The place where the sportsman had pressed the gym mat with his body, the this impression alsoafter he got up.


These are mats with memory function. The impression is longer before the mat returns to its original form. These are also available as seat cushions and mattresses: Not bad for side sleepers and for people who often have to go to the toilet at night, but would like to return to their last sleeping position before the toilet.


11 months ago

Yes, you can write that.


I hope I could help you with my answer. Best regards, Your Author’s Heart metabol☤