Demütigung auf Facebook?
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Ich bekomme auf gefühlt jeden 2. Kommenterar auf FAcebook in etwa so eine Antwort:
Was entgegnet man darauf?
Ich bekomme derzeit auf TikTok ständig Benachrichtigungen, wenn ein Freund etwas bei einem anderen kommentiert hat. Ich möchte aber nur Kommentare zu meinen eigenen Videos oder zu meinen eigenen Kommentaren bekommen. Bitte helft mir.
Ist doch voll unpraktisch im online Banking hat man immer den Überblick finde jedes Geschäft sollte gezwungen werden Karte zu nehmen
Was bedeuten diese ausrufezeichen? Copyright kann es nicht sein da auch videos das ausrufezeichen haben, die kein copyright claim haben.
Undzwar habe ich einige Tiktoks gepostet. Und ich wurde benachrichtigt, dass manche Leute meine Tiktoks neu veröffentlicht haben. Jetzt zu meiner Frage:Kann ich irgendwo einsehen, wie viel mal meine Videos neu veröffentlicht wurden? Mfg und danke im Vorraus
Hallo, Mein Konto wurde von Paypal gesperrt, weil ich mich für sexuelle Inhalte hab bezahlen lassen, wofür man Paypal anscheinend nicht benutzen darf. Sehe ich auch ein hab ichmich damals zu wenig informiert. Ist schon 1-2 Jahre her. Nun ist da nach allem noch Guthaben drauf, was ich gerne abbuchen würde. Habe es damals schon…
Unfortunately, you find immature people everywhere. Especially in social media where everyone can hide his face behind the screen and find it funny to offend others. Go on your thing, go to the gym and work on your mindset. I wouldn’t pay attention to such comments. If he thinks he’s better, just let him dream a little further. Focus on yourself and make yourself the best version of yourself!
How to say so beautiful:
“Ignorance is the highest form of contempt”
Karma will judge him.
Hello,deine answer is three months old,but it’s still up to date on the subject of insults on Facebook.It’s a couple of times happening and it’s sad that there are no consequences for it.
I just saw your answer. I believe that cyber bullying should be punished harder and it would require more enforcement of the Facebook page. On TikTok, bullying comments are pretty well recognized and also immediately deleted and punished with a warning. If the cases are piled up and there is no improvement, it might be worth giving up a criminal complaint to give the opposite a sign that you don’t like everything.
Ok Then I know I decide.I don’t take such messages from TT so seriously.But I’m still in favour that bullying should always be punished.
Most comments are not moderated by real people, but by automatic recognition by algorithms. I guess your sentence has triggered “self injury” at TikTok and was therefore locked. One can sometimes report opposition to the verse, but I had only little success.
Thank you for your feedback.Because if someone insults me on Facebook and I write to the guy that I am reporting to him, then the one laughs only about it.In TikTok it is not so the case.Leider is very much punished by the admins.I recently stayed with a live stream and gave tips to a video game (Tomb Raider)
I only see a single comment here, so there is no proof that you are being spayed. You have the possibility to block certain users when you appear to be the one you are being pampered. (Go to the spam). Otherwise, you can report to Facebook that there is a breach, because spam is just as a crime with Facebook.
“Everyone does what he can! I can look good like a leek and you can be good to others like the last ass under the sun. Lauch tastes better than charred ass and is also healthier!”
I don’t know…. that’s a really brown pig’s ass tastes very good because of the roasted aromas.
This shows absolute immature of a person. As much as I can read out you have a profile picture of you in the gym and are not really muscular – well and? No one starts in the gym with bodybuilders – muscles. People who reduce themselves to the outside and thus write/explain actively themselves are dissatisfied and have to leave their frustration to someone else. Take it out, go your way.
“My condolences that you are someone else who needs to make small to feel himself big”
Nothing, you block people like that, or you just do posts that all say.
Is unfortunately the Internet :/
Block & Ignore. Such people are only designed for attention