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Your facility is free of VAT, because the time of delivery and thus tax recovery is only completed.
If you really want to pull the pre-tax, you need to actively dispense with the small business organization.
I have already paid the VAT, so I would like to ask them back.
The object of your so-called factory delivery is the ready-to-use PV system and thus the time of handover to you is considered the time of the tax rate. If this means that the entrepreneur must reimburse you the already legally retained USt, as the partial payment to the factory delivery has to be made with 0%.
Very good!👌
As a result of the introduction of the zero-control set, from the 1st In January 2023 no sales tax is reported in invoices (tax rate 0 percent). Accordingly, it is no longer possible or necessary to reimburse sales tax from the tax office (pre-tax). In order to avoid any financial disadvantages, it is no longer necessary to dispense with the small entrepreneurs scheme (§ 19 UStG).
For photovoltaic systems prior to 1. January 2023, the Pre-tax deduction still possible.
Read here:
We have here the problem of partial payment of a factory delivery when changing the tax rate at the time of completion
You can deduct the handicraft performance (living costs) from tax, in income tax revenues, up to €200.
That’s not the point. It’s about the paid VAT!
Is there actually a regulation that the VAT is refunded? I haven’t heard yet, there are only some subsidies.
The tax office would also do nothing other than refer to a tax advisor.
What you mean is the VoSt deduction and he has nothing to do with the change of law to 0%. The deduction of pre-tax has been a bit longer, but as an entrepreneur (which you are necessarily with PV plant), you must be a pre-tax deductor.
O.k., then I would ask the relevant FA, or you would ask the company that installed it.
Yes, it was recently decided. It is possible to demand the VAT back.
There are no grants!