Demenz und Essenswünsche?

Meine Oma hat Demenz. Immer sagt, sie sie will nix essen und wenn dann nur Suppe. Wenn man ihr dann Suppe kocht, isst sie die auch nicht. Dann heißt es, wir würden sie mit Suppe abspeisen. Sie wüsste jetzt Bescheid, was sie von uns halten soll etc. Suppe, immer nur Suppe!

Was kann man da tun?

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1 year ago

Take it easy, and they feed with what you have prepared for Omilein for good.

She can’t do anything for it and she can’t .

➡️And maybe get help if you don’t have it yet.

Emotional affection ( hugs and kisses / small massages, touches) affect my experience of miracles in dementia.

My mother was always quite reserved and cool in life before she became catastrophic at 95 years to 100% dement.And none of us recognised .But she was always receptive and thankful for love.

The physical affection on my part, which I gave her constantly, was for her most relaxing .

And so she was my child the last years,and so we could the last difficult and extremely difficult piece of the way,the last 6 years nevertheless worthy go together and get through…also with the help of nursing staff from outside…and at the end even in the nursing home itself.

I wish you all strength and courage and all love and good ⚘

1 year ago
Reply to  Ignatius1
1 year ago

It’s difficult. I would try to find out (if you don’t already know) what she used to like to eat. I’d cook her without asking.

The problem of dementia is that, above all, the short-term memory suffers. Memories of the past are often still present, especially when they are awakened by smells, songs or the like.

Don’t take your heart if she’s evil on you. She can’t do anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  spelman

That’s exactly what I wanted to write – but I don’t have to…

Thanks – and happy to all of you!

1 year ago

Sweet pudding.

My old aunt complained about “new-fashioned vegetables” and said: with you only the dessert tastes to me.

A farmer’s wife I was living with had an opa in the house that ate ONLY. So they buk every day instead of cooking.

You could let something happen to you before you ask. There is also healthy sweetness.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blindipop

Yes I only fed my mother at the end with chocolate ..

Then she was always lucky.

With 100 years of age and hard dementia, you don’t ruin anything anymore..

and healthy there is nothing more …you have to start much earlier.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ignatius1

Wrong: healthy always helps. Also with 100! But dark Schoki are healthy.

1 year ago

There are counselling centres for dementia patients and relatives.

1 year ago
Reply to  adler1234

This is a very valuable tip! There are also training courses for family members, how to deal with the sometimes difficult situations. here:

1 year ago

Unfortunately, you don’t write what kind of living you live together. Can she cook, put together or take it out of the refrigerator?

I used to work with dementia and relatives. We have collected information from all parties about what the people used to like to eat.

Some sick people couldn’t start with cutlery anymore and didn’t want to help. We then have access during the day and at night, at several places in the rooms, we put up drinks in half filled cups and small cube finger food.

It looks like you forgot the food on the bedside table, a shelf, on the window sauce, etc. Almost every demente had his favorite place around Unobserved what to eat. Some people liked to have something in other drawers, which is for emergency times. These Bunker you have to find and replace, but you can’t completely clean it up. Well, dry cookies, dry fruit, knabbergbäck, chocolate, candies etc. fit there.

Vegetable cakes, meat cakes and fruit cakes were very welcome in handy dice. But also small pieces of sausage, cheese, fruit, chocolate, etc. were caught in a flashy manner.

Vegetable cake – so fast & hearty | Easy baking

Depending on your favourite taste, you can improve this “cheek cube” with cheese, minced meat, salami etc. and make it rich in calories.

Lens-Hackmeat-Kuche by familiearlt| Chef

Apricot cake from sheet – with fine cream | Easy baking

The fruitcake cubes gradually got a teaspoon Egg liqueur or cream and were eaten almost irresistible and ruck zuck, but only when the sick felt unobserved. So don’t offer too much at once, so no one can get over. Juice, small amounts of beer (alcohol-free) or some with wine choir were also taken with pleasure. It is important that there is sufficient drinking. It is sufficient as an incentive if the water drinks meet the “right” taste with a few drops.

The whole family or guests can eat with the dishes. Bake out in normal quantities, but cut into cubes for the eating places and freeze the residues into the refrigerator or partially. Then you always have something that you can refill on the plate.



1 year ago

In doubt, you just put something else like soup, even if you want soup. She’ll have dishes you like. Just cook some of it.

And then, as has already been recommended, has been working with a consultancy agency for dementia. They can then probably give you a few more tips on how you best handle the whole thing

5 months ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

It’s funny, it’s not funny. I also think it’s more like the guy now just eating sweets. Lots of things give her what she didn’t have enough in childhood. We have such personalities in the nursing home who simply don’t like to eat healthy, of course, but grapes, circus bananas, cookies chocolate chips are just a candy for you like children. How are you getting a little bit east that you wrote? Love

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

Yes that needs a lot of patience..

You may not personally, this is the disease.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

So their favorite dishes are for you? I can’t imagine.

1 year ago

Great idea!!

You’re right.

you just have to let their ideas…

Then you can have the 20 cashiers..But seriously… does the woman still have her money?

You have to inform you…

1 year ago

Why don’t you try it out? Give the food to the neighbors and ask them to bring it over. If they’re in there. Or just flunks that it would have cooked the neighbor. Sometimes you have to enter the world of dementia patients and play their game.

1 year ago

I would try to offer your menues that she knows from the past (old family recipes) and always liked to eat. Dementia patients often live in the past and often blossom something when old memories are awakened. For example, they can often sing whole lyrics by heart when playing music from their time. Of course not all, but I would try.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

Ah this is then, of course, more difficult …..this is then unfortunately not better under Alzheimer’s ..

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

I’ve got it. Dementia develops my own theory. Those who used to be “bad” people are ashamed of old age and feel in dementia these guilt and shameful feelings with which they have never learned to deal. The aggression develops from this helplessness. They’re trapped in themselves. Handling requires much love and great heart from you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittyka2

Phuu, then of course it’s even more difficult than it is. In this case, I would contact her attending doctor and consultancy. There you get tips on how to deal with such situations best.

1 year ago

If you cannot process something, you develop unconscious compensation strategies. Aggressions are always suppressed feelings.

No, I don’t know.

1 year ago

And then?

She obviously still has no feelings of guilt..

Or do you mean you don’t remember it unconsciously, so that no one can come up with it??

Do you know the thesis of Dr.Nehls too.Alzheimer ??? he wrote 2 books about it…I read this just…the hammer!

1 year ago

Lt. the questioner, the grandma was evil before dementia.

1 year ago

What do you mean?

But this woman described in the question has no feelings of guilt or shame ..?

Am I on the line? 😂

1 year ago

But your experience confirms the theory! Or am I on the line somewhere? If your mother was always peaceful, why would you have suffered guilt and shame in dementia?

1 year ago

To your Theory of dementia./Alzheimer

I shared in my youth when I was still working in nursing …

But now for a long time no longer ..Ob my later experience with this disease ..

1 year ago

What are you referring to?

1 year ago

You can’t flatter igrne zbsp.Mother was always an extremely peaceful person and extremely kind .. and even when she was hard dement, she was still ..she was never aggressive ..

1 year ago

So your mother is a victim too? And where are you victims?

There are feelings of inferiorness, guilt, shame and envy. These are the “bad” feelings that no one wants and are quickly pushed away. Unfortunately, this has the side effect that the “good” feelings do not come out anymore and at some point you feel nothing more and feel empty.

I don’t want to subordinate anything to you, I don’t know enough of you. I’m just writing well-known patterns and you can see yourself if something is known.

1 year ago

My mother cooked roulette a few weeks ago. She didn’t want to eat ’cause she was eating. Ne neighbors then brought her what and that was eaten and the neighbors then of course was the best and got 20 €.

In this statement, there is something that affects both your mother and you. A few hours at a consultancy would surely do you well!

1 year ago

Well, if the neighbor is so stupid;)

Don’t take it personally – I know it’s hard! You do your best, and maybe you can whisper to your ear too, that you can also put them into your home ^^^ – she forgets that again 😛

1 year ago


1 year ago

How old is your grandma and at what stage?

You and your mother should read this here:

1 year ago

That sounds bright and comprehensible. I have (luckily) not great own experiences with dementia patients, but have seen many docus about it because I am interested in the subject.

1 year ago

You can easily despair with the human being without understanding.

If you create literature that is written, it is not necessary to apply to your Omi, but generally the disease is very similar.

It is no longer possible to expect patients to react as we would, to live, according to the progress of dementia, in their ideal world; – unfortunately!

Ask her if she would like to have prepared this from you as a wedding menu…

Much patience and goodness!

1 year ago

Don’t ask so much!

Can she chew well?

Remember how she cooked herself earlier and sometimes brings one of her special dishes to the table and so refresh memories! Do not expect praise, but you say how much you used to eat it.

Otherwise simply cook healthy and varied and serve: “Look, today there are XY and I have not made it so sharp for you :)”