Dem Busfahrer Personalausweis vorzeigen?

Hey liebe community,

Es mag merkwürdig klingen aber ja, ich bin noch nie mit dem bus gefahren. Morgen werde ich dies zum 1. Mal tun. Daher habe ich eine Frage undzwar muss man bei der ticket Kontrolle auch seinen perso vorzeigen?

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2 years ago

It’s on your ticket.

This is not the case with normal tickets.

Personalized tickets where your name must be entered, such as the 9 EUR ticket, but only apply together with an ID document.

2 years ago

That depends. Normally, you don’t need this, but there are tickets that are valid only in connection with a light bulb ID. This then goes rather towards time cards – for simple single tickets this is not necessary.

2 years ago

As has been written several times here, there are tickets that only apply in connection with the ID card. The best example is the 9€ ticket.

Nevertheless, it is enough to show the driver the ticket.

Only on demand can you get the Perso out.

Good ride.


2 years ago

It’s on the ticket.

In the case of a personalised ticket, Perso+Ticket is always required.

However, this does not make the bus driver, but seperate controllers.

2 years ago

No, you just have to show the ticket.

2 years ago

If you use a 9 Euro ticket, you must show an ID. Not at all other tickets.

2 years ago

The 9€ ticket will be checked on the bus (at least in my region, GVH) as well as never. The bus driver doesn’t like it anymore.

2 years ago

Usually you show the bus driver the ticket, the controller also wants to see the Perso

2 years ago

No, you don’t. You just have to show your ticket.

2 years ago

more of the ticket, the Perso uses you nix

it is, you have a special ticket that are personalized

2 years ago

No, just the ticket