Dellen auf der Stirn was tun?
Ich habe kürzlich Dellen auf meiner Stirn bemerkt, die nicht mit Akne in Zusammenhang zu stehen scheinen, da ich seit etwa einem Jahr keine Pickel mehr hatte. Diese Dellen sind vor kurzem aufgetreten und machen mir Sorgen. Da ich solche Veränderungen an meiner Haut bisher nicht hatte, frage ich mich, ob sie wieder verschwinden werden und ob ich etwas dagegen tun kann.
Foto ist nur ein beispiel kein bild von mir
Well, you can’t say a flat-rate picture of what’s not of you. How old are you? It can also be only aging phenomena. I doubt going to a doctor.
İch bin 20 was at the doctor the doctors are not so interested that you should make botox the doctor has not even looked
It could also be with 20 actually tend aging of the skin. Or a scar did you hit you? or get something against it?
Also work a lot on the Pc and yes I feel….where the work with my trainees can do that well xD
Worst thing you can do for the body is pc work in front of all because of the new zornesfalten😬🙃
yes but you don’t need xD You can try to compile the ne skin care that can prevent or conceal this 🙂 But medically, I see a little need for action. But can understand that it annoys you…I am 24 and I am similar 🙃
No are not several suddenly appearing I work on pc a muscle tension at the end I have thought but delling are funny you get complex😫
Acne scars? What is taking for the skin?
Having had but not at the ending have been getting tablets everything was good after that I got a cream for the stains, which makes the skin probably thinner sonşt the big stains lost otherwise I didn’t use
I have to wait and treat the others. I have reduced sugar, take babylove washlotion, then physiogel, that is hypoallergenic. I have built the darmflora with symbiolact parallel. The intestine is our second brain and controls a lot. Also the skin. What did you get? Acenormin?
thank you again for the note, you will appreciate a beautiful new year thank you for the so nice help many thanks that there are so nice soaps that take so much time for you it is not self-confident .Mays have rewarded you inşallah thanks
This is also isotretinoin. Like Roaccutan etc. You know that you cannot get pregnant with these tablets. There is a danger of a child being disabled.
then a beautiful new year. Greeting
Living in the turkey was aknetrent likely there are these tablets only here, sugar I have not eaten at all for months
try it all so much thanks really