Dekosäule gestallten?
Nunja wir haben diese Woche eine Art Berufsfeldorientierung…, und ich wurde in Farben,Lack,… eingeteilt und wir haben heute eine Dekosäule gebaut und sollen bis morgen Skizzen oder eine Skizze machen woe wir die Säule anmalen wolllen, und naja mir fällt nichts weiter ein, habt ihr noch Ideen die ich vielleicht irgendwie umsetzen kann? Danke im voraus! 😅🥲😁
I would recommend to paint the column in several layers with different colors to achieve a kind of ombré effect, start with a basic color that indicates the tone, and then go over to lighter or darker shades, depending on which effect you want to achieve You can also paint patterns on the wood, such as geometric shapes or floral patterns to make the column more interesting Good luck!
Depends on how artistic you are.
In principle, you can use every topic and realize it at the column.
Flowers, underwater worlds, comics, embassies, paintings of famous painters, graffitis, topics such as space, peace (with Picasso’s dove), poems, fantasy, graphic patterns etc.
Consider a topic first. This can be “water”, but also “backstein” or something else. Then look for color combinations and study textures.
Color can be brushed, rolled, tufted, sprayed, stamped with objects, but can also be removed again with enveloping paper and transferred to adjacent, only primed surfaces. Interssant can be a gradient from the bottom to the top or from the middle to the edge.
Classics can be fire-water earth air, but also stone, plants, animal patterns, destruction, growth, mushrooms, … are interesting.