Deko Pflanze von Shein?
Heute ist meine Dekopflanze von Shein angekommen. Allerdings habe ich plötzlich Bedenken, dass das Produkt möglicherweise mit Chemikalien belastet ist oder diese ausstößt. Weiß jemand genaueres darüber? Sind Dekopflanzen von Shein schädlich oder sogar krebserregend?
Unfortunately, since you don’t get close to what this is, you can only answer inaccurately.
Basically, first of all on the balcony/terrace for ventilating, because the transport containers/boxes usually have to be treated with pesticides on the basis of international specifications and this can of course also pass on the article.
What’s all not carcinogenic and yet you get in touch with it?
If you are afraid of what might be carcinogenic, for example, you shouldn’t be looking for gas stations anymore than what you smell there (and, of course, can also penetrate the articles available there) can cause cancer.
– Don’t you drive to refuel?
Just get a little looser!
I hardly believe that in such a company the subcontractors who sell the stuff pay attention to the fact that there are no carcinogenic substances in it. That’s why you pay only a fraction of what the stuff would cost.
See if the same plants are still different and read the reviews or even the ingredients.
In general, I would say when they smell strictly on the balcony and wait. If the smell doesn’t flow away after two days.
If there’s no smell, it won’t be so bad if you don’t suck.