Deine Probleme mit Schokolade?
Hi 👋
Ich bin Designstudentin und habe die hypothetische Aufgabe eines Packaging für eine neue Schokolade zu entwerfen. Ich will hier keine Antworten oder jemand der mir Ideen gibt auf eine Aufgabe die ich selber lösen möchte.
Aber ich würde gerne von euch erfahren ob ihr vielleicht nennenswerte bestimmte Probleme mit Verpackungen von bisherigen Schokladen habt?
Gibt es Dinge die beim Verzehr oder Einkauf stören, die ihr euch anders wünscht?
Also Beispielsweise wie Schokolade zum abbrechen in den Händen schmilzt und so weiter. Die Dinge könne Form, Farbe, Erlebnis, Einkauf und alles was euch einfällt thematisieren.
Es wäre einfach eine riesige Hilfe mir mehr Meinungen einzuholen und ich danke euch schon im Vorraus!
Of course, the cost of packaging plays a role in this
where I don’t have so much idea, these are the hygiene rules that surely play a role
and I always consider moving more to paper/paper, as it is more eco-friendly – perhaps still envelope the chocolate with paper inside – similar to butter bread paper
the aluminium envelope (inside) and an outer plastic packaging make me trouble
Boxes made of thin cardboard are available – so it is possible – they are also closable, are provided with slit and tab, it can also be closed again for opening – it can be provided with a thin coating on the outside and inside – this can then also be printed on the outside
I also don’t like the chocolate as a table – as you mentioned, when you take it in your hand, melt it a little and you have sticky fingers
one could pour the chocolate in portions into thicker pieces and either make the grooves thinner in between, that they easily break off or insert individually and use a piece of cardboard in lattice form as a sort of spacer – but I guess thinner grooves are cheaper
I don’t know
Thanks for the star
The aluminum foil was much more practical in table chocolate. Nowadays, some brands have this white film, which you can’t even tear down.
But full understanding that, for reasons of sustainability, aluminium is dispensed with – or perhaps it is only resource conservation.
If the package breaks me up, and I’m gonna have to bite it up, it’s stupid… I’m gonna miss the pleasure of my chocolate. Finding chocolate in this stick form (for example, as with yogurt, children chocolate) clearly better, does not know why, is more practical to me and then does not have a complete open pack that I can finish anyway at great intervals.
so spontaneously the following points fall into my mind:
I think it’s stupid if you break only 1 bar from a board that you can’t make the pack right.
And packings with the silver paper I can not suffer (why, I don’t know, I hate these packings with outside paper and inside aluminum foil)
I am annoying packaging made of foil, which can in principle never be ripped clean and which, instead, always completely open up.
Many chocolates do not need break edges, which are only maculature anyway and do not break at the intended place.
One positive aspect: I like the individually packed balls very much. Clean portion, matching size.