Debatte: Soll Reiten als Leistungssport verboten werden?
Ich brauche dringend Pro- und Kontraargumente zu dieser Problemfrage für eine Jugend Debattiert Debatte. Bitte bleibt sachlich!
Ich brauche dringend Pro- und Kontraargumente zu dieser Problemfrage für eine Jugend Debattiert Debatte. Bitte bleibt sachlich!
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Hallöchen, ich möchte mich gerne bei einem Springlehrgang anmelden. Hier jetzt das Problem: Ich weiß nicht was ich in die Nachricht schreiben soll. Auf dem Zettel wo der Termin ect steht, steht das man sich unter einer Nummer anmelden soll. Es wäre doch Sinnvoll wenn ich auch das Niveau auf dem ich reite mit dazu…
Gab es ja schon öfter, dass Mädchen/ Frauen beim reiten von Männern angesprochen wurden und teilweise auch belästigt etc. Wie würdet ihr euch wehren oder wie würdet ihr reagieren?
ich überleg heute noch in den stall zu fahren gestern war ich gar nicht im stall und am samstag bin ich zu mittag geritten, da hatte es aber 30 grad aber ich war in der halle aber es war trotzdem unerträglich heiß heute überlege ich abends in den stall zu fahren aber ich bin auch…
Ich möchte so gerne reiten. kann auch alle drei Gangarten also das grundwissen ist vorhanden aber nirgends in meiner Umgebung sind reitstunden frei oder eine Reitbeteiligung wie schaffe ich es zu reiten ich will unbedingt reiten unbedingt! Ich bin 11 jähriges Mädchen P.s ich habe vier Pflegeponys aber auf den kann ich leider nicht reiten…
To prepare the Pro page:
The problem: What is performance? All tournaments? Tournaments from class E?Training at a certain level? Riding in general? Certain riding methods?
Before any useful concrete proposal comes, you don’t need to collect any arguments
It is necessary to prepare a clear demarcation Allowed/not allowed. Otherwise you’ll just talk to each other. I would therefore like to equip sports with tournament sports. Otherwise, no debate can be held.
So why prohibit tournament sports:
Double page:
Further double-point:
I’ll push the thumbs that you land on the double side, because I personally believe you’ll find much better arguments.
For performance sports:
Through media attention there is a constant “control” by spectators and associations. Disadvantages are increasingly perceived by society.
Performance sports are tied up, this allows an improvement of equipment and posture.
Many horses have a performance breeding and associated purpose, a jumping horse will only be happy if it can satisfy its inclinations.
It is an ultimate connection between rider and horse, many forget this.
A rider is only a person without his horse, many animals remain with their riders even after their career and can enjoy their life evening.
Many horses voluntarily bring high performances and must be demanded and promoted, otherwise they become unbalanced and spanish.
Performance sports are better controlled than field forest and meadow riding.
Against Leistunssport speaks:
Exploitation and imminent over-exploitation of animals, as well as inadequate controls. Principle “Who pays well, wins”.
More stringent doping guidelines and control of training methods and training levels.
Health risks for rider and horse, as well as threatening fatal accidents.
Too early riding, or forced tournament successes necessary for the high cost, performance pressure.
Health of riders (the easier a rider is, the better can be jumped, etc.).
The well-being of the horses is not dependent on its intended use, but on the well-being of the competent persons.
And there are sometimes more expertise in sport than well-being, often much goodwill in the leisure area with poor expertise. The latter is often as bad, if not even worse.
Prohibitions are more likely to make so many mistakes, the horses are only sports equipment and there are many methods that are harmful to health, but are allowed. Like roll cure, for example Stroking with the barley, as a woman S. has shown impressively, and you should not do the abuse of spores, barren, marity jumps, etc.
Something should be banned. Through all the divisions of riding, whether leisure riders or Olympics
Many things already result in the common sense – you could add what you already have, but solve your task even though you could come up with a bit of thinking and research (and no, here questions is no search!) even to answer?
That’s exactly what you want to learn: even research and don’t let others do that.
No chance.
Where does performance and recreational sports begin?
Since when has Freizeireiterei been more gentle for the horse?
No, why. But I think it’s very good that it’s out of the Modern 5 fight. That’s what Mrs. Prügelpitsch did well in Tokyo.
No, why forbid?, especially sorry, what’s “traits as sports”? You can first explain this…
And otherwise, write some things, then you can look over it and possibly help …