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because they often use the jetstream.
The effect of the jet stream is particularly noticeable on line flights over larger distances, for example between North America and Europe. Since it is a strong and quite reliable high wind, aircraft can use it to achieve a higher speed and also a lower fuel consumption. Both altitudes and routes are therefore adapted to the course of the jet stream in such a way that you can use it as a backwind or avoid it as a backwind. It is therefore responsible, among other things, for flying altitudes of 10 to 12 kilometres, depending on the level of the jet stream, and routes far away from a direct “airline”. For example, when flying over the Atlantic to Europe, the route runs off the Orthodrome (Great Circles), which can reduce time by several hours. However, this also derives negative effects on navigation and air navigation.
The jetstream can also safely dispense with an aircraft, shorter flights that are not used at all, and yet consumption decreases at an increasing level. The jetstream has nothing to do with the engines and the air resistance, it is simply a usable type of backwind used on long distances. The Jet Stream affects fuel consumption only in certain situations. Even if the jetstream is not used, consumption decreases with increasing height. This has much more to do with two other factors:
On the one hand, the air resistance decreases as a result of the decreasing air density, so the engines have to exert less effort to move the aircraft, so they can work with less power. And secondly, jacket current fan engines such as modern passenger jets are much better cooled by the colder air at a higher level, which means more power with lower consumption.
The air becomes thinner and colder, i.e. the molecules of the air are further apart. Thus, there is less braking friction and thus the air resistance decreases. By the way, this is also the reason why the speed of sound is reduced with increasing height, i.e. if you are flying at 1000km/h at sea level, you are in the subsonic range, you can fly at speed at 5000m height it can be that you already pierce the sound wall. In the case of aircraft with a piston engine, the mixture can also be depleted with increasing height, and the person skilled in the art speaks here of “lean”. This means that the engine is given less fuel, because in the cold air and the larger height there is little oxygen, and in order to optimize the stoichiometric mixture (the ideal ratio of fuel and air), the fuel quantity must be adapted to the decreasing oxygen content by reducing the fuel supply. This results in a lower consumption. It is also possible to fly on normally without leaning, but it is unnecessary to use a lot of fuel.
only because of the currentstream, the longest flight of the world is also possible. an airbus a340-500 from Singapore Airlines flies from Singapore directly to New York. the flight lasts 18h. the plane is full but still it could not fly so far without the jetstream.
they fly faster with less grosine consumption.
Sorry to throw the theory over the heap now, but from Berlin to Mallorca no jetstream is guaranteed to be used and consumption still decreases with increasing height! 😛
because of the air pressure and blablabla but my what I wrote was related to my GSP (:
It consumes KRAFTSTOFF, above the air is thinner than below, the air resistance decreases.
Because the air resistance is lower there.
because the air resistance decreases I would say