DB Ticket für Bus?
Wollte mit dem Bus zur KFZ Zulassungsstelle und laut DB kostet das Ticket 4€ und ist für 240min gültig.
Ist das ein normales Bus-Ticket, das mir vorgeschlagen wird? Ich meine mal vor einigen Jahren sowas gekauft zu haben, wo der Busfahrer dann nicht wusste, was das ist, weil dort ein QR-Code angezeigt wurde.
Will mir die unnötige Peinlichkeit “kein Ticket” zu haben dieses Mal ersparen.
Unclear question. You didn’t write if there was a name for a traffic network or something like bwTarif.
Buy the ticket at the automated transport network or at the bus driver (the latter goes more often only with their app or their prepaid card) are not an option? See website of the traffic network.
Not applicable
I bought the ticket now, and I think you can scroll down the QR code and show it. At least there were no problems yesterday.
Think QR code’s just because if you’re controlled like on the train? And the other is the ticket.
Transport Federation was VBN and price level B.
There was a machine as far as I don’t know, and buying tickets directly to the bus driver is an option, but rather a “emergency solution”. I have been paying as well as everything with card for years but always have a 50€ voucher if you really need cash.
Sounds good. You could also need the QR code on the bus.
Coupon? They only accept very good positions. And div. machines do not accept notes, only coins.
Depending on where you want to drive – the rates are different regionally.
If the DB app offers you a ticket from the regional transport network for the bus, this will probably be correct, but there are also errors not completely excluded, and not every bus driver is sufficiently informed.