DB Supersparpreis Zugbindung?

Bin Grad auf dem Weg von Plattling nach Düsseldorf.

Seit heute Mittag wird angezeigt, das der Zug aufgrund von Bauarbeiten 30 min Verspätung haben wird und in Würzburg somit länger stehen wird.

Dadurch habe ich 34 min Verspätung an meinem Ziel.

Ab Würzburg fährt ein anderer ICE, welcher nicht noch über Koblenz fährt und somit über 1 Stunde schneller wäre.

Habe schon einen Kontrolleur gefragt, welcher jedoch meinte das dass schon länger so planmäßig ist, und ich daher an den Zug gebunden bin.

Jedoch habe ich heute gegen 16 Uhr auch eine Mail bekommen das sich der Zug um 34 min am Ziel verspäten wird.

Bin ich somit noch an meinen Zug gebunden oder entfällt die Bindung jetzt, da die Verspätung höher als 20 min ist?

Danke für eure Hilfe 👍

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3 years ago

In Conditions of transport for persons by Deutsche Bahn AG companies No 9.1.1 says it

If it is reasonable to assume that the traveller will arrive at the destination station with a ticket of the product classes ICE, IC/EC or with a train-bound ticket at least 20 minutes late in accordance with the transport contract, he shall immediately have the choice between (i) the continuation of the journey or the continuation of the journey with changed route to the destination station on the next occasion or (ii) the continuation of the journey or the further journey with changed route to the destination station. It can also use the train of a higher quality product class. However, the use of a reserved train or a special train is not permitted.

Accordingly, the arrival time at the conclusion of the transport contract (=the time of purchase of the tick) is decisive.

3 years ago

The DB says:

Repeal of the liability in case of delay

If you do not have to catch your connection train by indebtedness of the DB or if a delay of more than 20 minutes is generally expected, the connection will be automatically cancelled. That means you can use other trains to reach your booked destination.”

Theoretically, you should rebook. In practice, I would like to ask again on site, otherwise there is at worst a fare recovery (double flex price, which is a bit expensive)

3 years ago
Reply to  Paejexa

So theoretically, you should rebook.

What exactly is he supposed to rebook?

3 years ago

incorrectly expressed. I mean, of course, take another train

3 years ago

The best way to go to the switch is to ask there and say clearly you want to cancel the stamp tie. Actually, there is no more but according to the statement…

3 years ago
Reply to  SteinBlau

I don’t know. has the more than one train companion of the train guide has 3 red strips on the arm? Then there. Otherwise you won’t be much.

3 years ago

lifts up automatically but I would go to the switch again at your place and collect a stamp for it