DB – Ab wann ist man ein “Schwarzfahrer”?

Ich habe mich letztens ohne Ticket in einen am Bahnhof stehenden ICE (Starthaltestelle, davor kam noch nichts) gesetzt weil draußen die Bänke überall belegt waren und bin dann ein paar Minuten vor Abfahrtszeit wieder ausgestiegen – Es waren zwar keine Kontrolleure unterwegs aber was wäre gewesen, wenn in diesem Moment einer gekommen wäre?

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9 months ago

In long distance trains (ICE, IC, EC) of DB you can buy a mobile phone ticket online up to 10 minutes after departure. This is the case in the terms of transport.

But if you abuse the ICE from the start only as a living room, it wouldn’t be legal. The train staff could ask you to get up under house law.

9 months ago
  1. Control the usually only during the ride
  2. It’s called “black.” You haven’t used the DB’s service yet, because the train didn’t drive a centimeter while you were in, so it wasn’t a black ride.
9 months ago
Reply to  iSc0field

That’s both wrong.
You are accused of “acceleration of services” and not “black driving”.

When entering the train station, there is enough signposted “Access only with valid ticket or platform card” Jenseits are otherwise 60 euros due.

1 month ago
Reply to  Walum

It is the double of the normal fare, but at least 60 €. The boner is likely to be entitled and payable when they come.

9 months ago
Reply to  Walum

Where are you going? In Donauwörth (Bayrisch-Schwaben) does not guarantee, otherwise I would have to overlook thousands of paints. And platform tickets are no longer available in Germany since 1.5.1974.

9 months ago
Reply to  Walum

There is no control. There’s no 60€ penalty for you because you were in the train for a few minutes. They’ll send you out and be good.

9 months ago

And platform tickets are no longer available in Germany since 1.5.1974.

In Hamburg the signs are in every station.



And we have only started this since the beginning of the year:

The Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (HVV) was the last German transport network with platform tickets. “Delimited railway areas”, i.e. the so-called “travel areas” were allowed there until 31st. December 2023 will only be entered with valid ticket. Train ticket#Germany

9 months ago

Ah. You don’t live in Hamburg…

9 months ago

A tip: Buy a Germany ticket if you don’t have it yet and do it in local trains. For a few years, there have been metal benches on railway stations that intentionally impregnate passengers, which are so cold in 90% of the season that you can get sick. I then always sit in a train that is ready long before (I already know the appropriate trains). If the toilet didn’t go in my previous train, I’m using the standing train, because on the next train no toilet can work again.

9 months ago

You’re not driving black until the train is moving. You have to get out before the train leaves. Otherwise, the controller can charge you 60€ penalty.