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4 months ago

The birth begins with the opening period – regular labor every 3 to 5 minutes. It usually takes time for first-born 10 to 12 hoursin women who had a baby, usually 6 to 8 hours.

Then follows the expulsion phase during which the fruit bubble bursts. Duration normal 1 to 2 hours.

Then follows the pressing phase which normally follows 20 to 30 minutes lasts.

However, there are women in which all this takes much longer, and those in which it goes much faster. These are averages.

4 months ago

From the beginning of the birth, you are therefore charged with laboring or bladder leap.

The birth of my first child took almost 50 hours.

10 hours is actually short.

4 months ago
Reply to  sunyamay

You can only press when the mother’s mouth is completely open otherwise the child does not fit through.

The press was about half an hour. But pressing hurts are not as painful as the labors before.

4 months ago

Not at all. Keep absolved in the breaks.

4 months ago

I got two kids and I find 10 h as an indication rather short.

I had to go to the KH for two weeks. This was the beginning of the introduction on Saturday morning. A child was born on Monday late evening, one on Monday morning.

Of course, the labors do not start immediately at the start and at first they are unpleasant, but not so painful and rather unproductive. If the fruit bubble is then burst correctly the post goes off, then for child 1 it took 15 h and for child 2 4 h.
At child 2, the birth went faster, but was more strenuous. I had a long-lasting woe that didn’t stop and then the child was still stuck… The mother’s mouth was quickly completely open that lasted from the bladder leap an hour, and it took another 3 h until it slipped down in the birth channel. This transition phase is usually the shortest and most strenuous of birth. But with me, son man said he had to play Superman ^^, so the phase lasted longer than usual.
He then came to the world with his fist, with which he braked quite a bit.

While I was in a circular room for 3 days or two and a half days with the introduction of both children, other women have received the children like me on the conveyor belt… so it is very individual how long it takes.

4 months ago

Between the use of the labors and the birth of the child can be around 36 hours. First you have the opening blows, with which you open up piece by piece of the mother’s mouth – that’s lasting, sometimes you don’t even get a centimeter in an hour. At some point the fruit bubble bursts or is opened (unless, but sometimes it is necessary). When the mother’s mouth is completely open, then it’s only going off with the pressing pains, before that would be hell for the bearer.

4 months ago


This is very individual.

My first child was there within 30 minutes.. he had particularly eager.. I drove to KH because at home the fruit bubble is burst

My second. There I was two hours in the cracking room and after opening the bubble it took a whole five minutes.

The last time I was in the eighth in the KH and half ten he was there…

So I didn’t have any hurts like women to report like that, I can’t feel these horror stories

4 months ago

Birth of my first daughter takes 8 hours. Bubble torn, then we’ll get birth later. Total 8

2nd daughter: 2 hours total

Weeping at the clinic and there she was.

the time of labor until birth is counted

4 months ago

But easy.

The human pelvis is well suited for the upright course, but for the bear of today’s 4400 grams of child it is very badly suited.

4 months ago

Yeah, that’s quite realistic. You expect this from the start of birth. With my son, it took about 12 hours with my daughter.

4 months ago

It is very different how long it takes from the first labors to the birth. My cousin had doubtful pleasure for 36 hours. My sister-in-law went through in 5 hours.