Dauerpille gegen Periode?


ich habe wie sicherlich viele andere auch während der Menstruation Beschwerden, die den Alltag stark einschränken.

Nun habe ich von Freundinnen gehört, dass man sich eine Dauer-Pille verschreiben lassen kann, die man ohne Pause nimmt und somit die Periode ganz abschaltet. Leider habe ich im Internet nichts Aussagekräftiges dazu gefunden und wollte fragen, ob mir vielleicht hier jemand helfen kann.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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1 year ago


under the language term “duration pill” you can also find nothing because there is no such thing.

But there are minipills that you can then take through without taking a break and thus no more bleeding. Careful, however, should not be there any one that is well tolerated and has some weeks of bleeding, pain or hormone problems. So consider if you don’t want to treat your problems during the period or try to make them bearable before you touch the pill in the long term cycle.

Talk to the gyn about whether there are possibilities without the pill to relieve your discomfort, maybe your body can also give you a relaxed cycle without hormones.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago
Reply to  Ann04

Very happy ^

1 year ago

I can’t imagine that you haven’t found anything meaningful.

But you have to go before you get the pill, no matter what, to the gyn and then decide which one you will be prescribed.

In principle, I find the pill has serious side effects and should not be harmless

Periodic pain can also decrease in which the hygiene product is changed.

There are many women who develop severe pain during the use of OBs and these disappear through the change to a mensturation cup.

I would try it first

1 year ago

Each pill turns off the period.

A demolition bleeding is NOT a period.

Taking through the pill is also no guarantee to get no bleeding at all.

Either way, please go to your gynecologist and let you first examine and advise. Before you ask for any medication, you should know whether your complaints have other causes or not.

1 year ago

A female doctor can advise you. The pill is then taken in the long-term cycle. Do not dare everyone, many get bleeding

But what do you have for complaints, why not try to do something? There are fewer doctors going to tell you. Well, I know myself very well. Tell me. Maybe I can help you

1 year ago

Mood fluctuations, irritation and even depression are led in many preparations as “frequent side effects” (approximately 1 to 10 affected by 100 women), reduced sex drive can occur “occasually” (at 1 to 10 of 1000 women). Depending on the drug, classification is slightly different
