Name the storage device/operating system?
I have Windows 10 as my operating system. I downloaded Windows onto a USB stick. I want to have two versions of Windows 10 on one computer. I've already partitioned my drive. My last step is how and where can I name the Windows 10 I've downloaded onto the USB drive so I don't get confused when booting.
Should go to file manger. Right-click on the disk and “Rename”
YES exactly, rename the stick, NOT the data there!
In any case, the stick is provided with the name “ESD-USB” when it is created via the media-creation tool. Who then misses the same name to his internal mass store, is himself guilty….
I’m not quite sure right now, but actually you just have to rename the drive on which the Windows version is installed…
How’s that going?
You have, if I understood correctly, installed your Windows partition completely on a USB stick from which you want to boot?