Datensicherung: Interne 3,5 Zoll 2 x 8TB oder 4 x 4 TB HDD?


Ich habe vor, Bilder, Musik und Videos zu sichern. Es sollen Platten von 2 unterschiedlichen Herstellern werden. Tests und negative amazon Rezensionen schließen sich nahezu aus. Sie sollen kein Bestandteil von Überwachungs-systemen werden, nicht im täglichen Betrieb sein, kein NAS. “Einfach” nur zur Sicherung. Nach einigen Jahren werden sie selbstverständlich wieder ausgetauscht.

Meine Fragen, auch aufgrund eurer Erfahrung, Montagsmodelle gibt es immer wieder mal. Welche Hersteller und Modellreihen empfehlt ihr und sollte ich mich bzgl. der Speichergröße 4 oder 8 TB nach dem besten Preis richten oder sollte ich Beispielsweise 8TB besser außen vor lassen und mich auf 4TB beschränken ? Die Datenübertragung erfolgt übrigens über ein SATA/USB Adapterkabel.


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6 months ago

4×4 in raid5

The more disks you use, the more disks you can use, but if you have no data loss in the Radid5 now, the more disks you use, the more disks you can fail but if you have no data loss in the Radid5 now, the less storage capacity

6 months ago

Hello Tom, I would 2x 8GB take, it is very unlikely that both backup disks are broken at the same time.

For important data that are edited regularly, you can File version history Enable that you have important files, many older versions as backup and not always only the last version.

I happened once, I accidentally Ctrl + A then normal “S” then Ctrl + S (instead of shifting) had pressed and thus I had deleted the complete TEXT in my file and saved it with only one single letter “S”…. 😂🙏

The file version history is useful for e.g. Word / Excel / PowerPoint etc.

6 months ago
Reply to  Tom25x6

Hello Tom, if it’s cheaper, you can also take 4x 4TB, but I’d be too complicated by handling.

Defects can always exist in HDDs, and taking the tip 2 different manufacturers is not so stupid. 😊🙏

I mean that. 2% of the hard drives go defective in the first 6 months and 8% within 5 years… but longer is where I read the statistics, but in any case. 🙏

6 months ago

All right, great! You may try the program “FreeFileSync“to synchronize only the changes. 😊👍

But maybe Linux already has a super tool on board to Sync? 🙏

6 months ago

is absolutely no matter, take the cheapest and do nen raid feder drauß …

6 months ago
Reply to  Tom25x6

achso thought because you wrote internal that you want to leave the inside… xD I would do at your place but also because then you don’t have to raise a manual and secure the data again and again

6 months ago

Have a nice evening! 😊👍

6 months ago

Hello Tom, you’re welcome! 😊

I don’t know if the emoji picker’s already on Mint.

Click here that you can reinstall it:

apt install gnome-characters

But whatever goes, the Smiley is to copy into a text file.

6 months ago

Hello Tom, if you have Win 10 or Win 11, then press the shortcut:

Windows button + point button

Then the smiley menu opens:

Alternatively, you can copy these smileys into a text file, or in Word and from there always copy… 😊

Or from Ubuntu 18:

6 months ago

think sometimes mainly by loss of individual pixels, or the computer can handle it with a low loss and correct the errors. if the loss is great, the datei vmtl will no longer go up, is at least my acceptance, with dvds that is actually different, they play off but then just disappear various scenes. I have to say honestly, I don’t really have much idea of :/ but I think you can if some films ran quite normal that the loss at the others should also be minimal in so far everything can be corrected by the pc if it plays

6 months ago

😊 Happy, happy me!

PS: When I used to live at home as a teenager, we had a rabbit that we had to run freely in the room occasionally, he liked to pick up PC cables and once destroyed the monitor cable… luckily not the power cable… 😂

6 months ago

so you can check the hard drive as described here: whether the files have lost what, but I can’t tell you that would be an effective option if all new are the checksums of the files can be written with nem script in ne datei that then stop if you want to check again and compare the 2 files with the checksums then

6 months ago

PS: If you External Hard drives use with USB, keep the HDD hard drives as cautious as a raw egg to treat, the magnetic head is microscopically small and very sensitive.

Get a well-padded bag for storage.

I’ve already fallen a HDD so 40cm down and she went further, 🙏 but there are other people there was a single bump to the edge of the table, and then nix went more.

6 months ago

achso okay, so for data security you have hard disks that aren’t active always the problem that they lose data slowly… so that in a cloud would be the best solution for you. if you want to get on hardboard I find the seagate barracuda very good or have made good experiences