Datenschutzkonforme Website erstellen ohne cookies?
Wie kann ich eine datenschutzkonforme website erstellen ohne jede Art von cookies – und gibt es dazu einen open source Quelltext zum einfügen als “Webobjekt”.
Wie kann ich eine datenschutzkonforme website erstellen ohne jede Art von cookies – und gibt es dazu einen open source Quelltext zum einfügen als “Webobjekt”.
Hallo, Ich möchte einen Link haben der geht: “” Und ich weiß nicht wie man das umleitet, Hier ein Bild von dem wie es aussehen sollte.. Kann mir jemmand sagen wie sowas geht?
Hallo, ich habe mir einen Taschenrechner (mit For-Schleife) erstellt. Er kann alles, außer Punkt vor Strich. Die Funktion ist etwas schwieriger, da ich kein kein DataTable.Compute benutzen darf, sonst wäre es ja zu einfach. Es muss durch den String selber erfolgen, also etwas komplizierter. Hier der Code (kann leider nicht den ganzen Code eingeben, daher hier…
Es gibt ja anscheinend : Die künstliche Intelligenz von , basiert auf dem bekanntenChatGPT, und auch gibt es DeppGPT von Postillon, den ich als Parodie verstehe. Außrerdem gibt es Alexa und Siri und nicht zu vergessen ELIZA, quasi die Mutter aller sprachlichen KI-Systeme. ELIZA kann u.a. hier online ausprobiert werden: Welches gefällt euch am…
moin,Ich habe vor mit dem Programmieren anzufangen, jedoch weiß ich nicht genau welche Erweiterungen ich mir holen sollte. ich habe vor mit HTML, CSS und JS zu arbeiten. ich habe bereits live Share und Live Server. danke im voraus 😁
You can run a website without cookies, but you have to do without any features that require cookies. That means:
Analysis tools exist without cookies, but often provide insufficient data. They are usually not helpful for modern applications.
With WordPress this is difficult to implement, as many plugins use unnecessary cookies. For a complete cookie-free website, you must test each module, template and plugin and remove everything that cookies apply.
I have already implemented several club websites without cookies – it is not technically a witchcraft.
There is no “open source source text” for this. It’s normal website, you just have to delete/delete what cookies are doing.
far worse. without session cookie, you should either enter or send your login data again at each page call.
Session cookies are not the subject of the GDPR.
In the privacy policy, you cannot also be freed from the publicly enforced cookie spy by means of a statement of distance:
“If you visit our website without sending us information, we do not process any personal data from you, as we do not have a general or business interest in cookie evaluation and data collection of such and similar types.
Cookies are not used or evaluated by us on our website either intentionally or scientifically.
If unintentional cookies are created by your visit to our website, this is data operations of larger data services such as google, yahoo, udgl. etc. on whose activity we cannot influence.
However, we need to point out that such non-controllable data activities can happen without our consent and can also happen anywhere without anyone – even with the best programming knowledge – ever preventing it.
The payment provider Paynix, known to us, uses our agreement to set cookies which collect the following data…”
Of course you can. By not using these services. You can’t just exculp yourself with a sentence “Can’t I do anything for it…”
Let’s make it short: show.mir a way to create a cookie with HTML.
“A Cookie (English for Biscuits) – the origin of the name is unknown – is a website created Text variable, which is stored by the browser. Cookies offer you the possibility to store data directly from an HTML file on the user’s computer and to read it again when the same HTML file is retrieved. Thus, a website can react dynamically to stored data.”
Yes, it says that you can only place a cookie with Javascript, PHP or the like, but not with HTML.
But if you know better than me, that’s the way.
Ha ha ha
Yes. That’s it. HTML doesn’t even know cookies.
That’s not the way it is.
There are more and more people who want to free their store from cookie garbage to protect their customers.
Cookies do not have to be prevented when creating a website. Each website that uses cookies has extra carethat cookies are used.
It’s a bit like saying, “There must be a way to make paper on which no letters have been printed.”
I think if one would look more closely at the big Saubermann pages on the Internet – one would think that no data is handled cleanly by cookie technology, but that this technology does not deteriorate anything else than global-wide data abuse…
There has to be a stop button for this technology, i.e. purely programmed, a website builder, which in the wysiwyg principle and in conformity with the GDPR automatically
prevents any cookie technology …
As long as you do not want to buy data from others, you do not need cookies.
Unfortunately, you do not have cookies as soon as you install analytics or map Google Maps on the site.
This has nothing to do with selling data.
That’s not true at all. Cookies are used for everything possible.
Here is an example:
This is a data protection-compliant, complete and website written in valid HTML5. Without cookies.
Let me add another already existing for decades Source of knowledge for html link. 😉