Data query regarding age of majority does not work?


I wanted to order something online and had to agree to have my data checked with Schufa to verify my age. Unfortunately, I kept getting a message saying the information was incorrect (it is, and I'm 31). Could it also be that the address Schufa has is no longer current? Is there any way to correct this data error so that my age can be verified in the future?

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7 months ago

Can it also be a reason that the address the Schufa is no longer up to date?


Is there any way to explain this data error so that my age can be verified in the future?

Puh, if you could just contact the Schufa…

7 months ago

No one needs the Schufa for your proof of age. Driving license etc. is appropriate and is also asked to 99% after

7 months ago
Reply to  RandomName01

Some websites make this through a Schufa age query; is the easiest way for them.